问题 单项选择题

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter–nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”
The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive–and newly single–mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.
In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing It doesn’t seem quite fair, then, to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.
Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.
It’s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it’s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “ the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.

Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph

A.Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.
B.Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.
C.Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.
D.We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing.







①当你第一次来到北京的时候,一定会到 * * 前去游览一番,尽情欣赏那古老宫殿与现代化建筑交相辉映的壮丽风光。也许,你会对 * * 前那一对用汉白玉雕刻的华表产生兴趣吧。你看,它那挺拔笔直的柱身上雕刻着精美的蟠龙流云纹饰;柱的上部横插着一块云形长石片,一头大、一头小,远远望去,似柱身直插云间。真给人以美的享受啊。华表已经成为中华的标志。不是吗?那些用“中华”作为商品牌号的,哪一个不是用华表作商标?


③远古时代的“诽谤木”是个什么样子呢?崔豹《古今注·问答释义》载:“程雅问曰:‘尧设诽谤之木,何也?’答曰:‘今之华表木也。以横木交柱头,状若花也,形似桔槔〔注1〕,大路交衢〔注2〕悉施焉。或谓之表木,以表王者纳谏也,亦以表识衢路也。’”今天, * * 前的华表仍然保持了“以横木交柱头”、“形似桔槔”的基本形制。


⑤如果你仔细观察一下,就会发现, * * 前的一对华表,每个柱头上都有一个蹲兽,头向宫外; * * 后面还有一对华表,上面的蹲兽是头朝宫内。据北京古老传说:华表柱头上的蹲兽,名叫犼〔注3〕,性好望。头向内是希望帝王不要沉湎于纸醉金迷的宫廷生活,它好像在对帝王说,经常出来看看你的臣民吧,因而名叫“望帝出”;头向外,是希望帝王不要耽恋山水,废弃政务,它好像在对出游的皇帝说,快些回来治理朝政吧,因而名叫“望帝归”。当然,这只是古人对君王的一种虚幻的期望。我们在观赏这精心雕琢的艺术珍品时,这类传说不是正可增加游人的兴味吗?





小题1:.对下列各句的说明方法判断有误的一项是(  )




D.今天, * * 前的华表仍然保持了“以横木交柱头”、“形似桔槔”的基本形制。(引用)

小题2:.根据原文,下面有关“华表”说法有误的一项是(  )




D.华表曾被称作“诽谤木”,相当于现在的意见箱。小题3:.下面对文段内容理解有误的一项是(  )




D.第⑤段介绍了华表原名和艺术价值。小题4:.对下列各句中加点词解说正确的一项是(  )



C.也许,你会对 * * 前那一对用汉白玉雕刻的华表产生兴趣吧。(也许:可能。)

D.深受人们喜爱的华表,有着十分悠久的历史,相传在原始社会的尧舜时代就出现了。(相传:根据传说,且经科学考证。)小题5:.下面不属于 * * 华表构造的必要元素是(  )




