在扶贫领域,世界银行与中国的合作最早,投入规模最大。世界银行与中国目前已经开展的西南、秦巴、西部三期扶贫贷款项目,援助总规模达6.1亿美元,覆盖九个省区;91个贫困县、800多万贫困人口。其中中国西南世界银行贷款项目于1995年 7月开始在云南、贵州、广西三省(区)最贫困的35个国家级贫困县实施。项目总投资42.3亿元,其中利用世行贷款2.475亿美元,国内相应的配套资金为21.8亿元。项目建设主要包括大农业、基础设施建设、第二、三产业开发、劳务输出、教育卫生和贫困监测等方面。项目建成后将使项目区350万贫困人口稳定解决温饱问题。这一项目是中国第一个跨省区、跨行业、综合性的扶贫开发项目,也是迄今为止利用外资规模最大的扶贫项目。目前项目进展顺利,并已进入收尾阶段。
参考答案:Since the AII0s, the Chinese Government has actively drawn on the international anti- poverty experience and continued to widen its cooperation with international organizations in this field, in which it has made notable progress.
The World Bank was the first international organization to cooperate with the Chinese government in aid-the-poor work and has made the largest investment so far. The three-stage aid-the-poor loan project is jointly carded out by the World Bank and China in the southwestern areas, the Qinling and Daba mountain areas and the western region. It has involved a total of US $ FA0 million, covering nine provinces and autonomous regions, IA poverty-stricken counties and over H million poor people. In July AIIE, the Southwestern China-World Bank Loan Project was launched in the CE state-designated poorest counties in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Of the total investment of D.BC billion yuan, US $ BDG.E million were loans from the World Bank; the Chinese Government provided a supporting fund of B.AH billion yuan. This project mainly involved mega-agriculture, infrastructure, development of secondary and tertiary industries, labor service export, education, health care and poverty monitoring. The project is expected to eventually solve the food and clothing problem of C.E million needy people in the project- covered areas. This inter-province, inter-industry comprehensive development-oriented poverty reduction project is the largest of its kind in China, which has used the largest amount of foreign funds so far. The project proceeds smoothly and enters its phase-out period.
1.不断扩大与国际组织在扶贫领域的合作,并有了明显进展and continued to widen its cooperation with international organizations in this field, in which it has made notable progress
原句中这两个分句是并列的关系,译文中后一分句被译成了前一分句的以in which引导的定语从句。
2.秦巴 the Qinling and Daba mountain areas。
秦巴是中国地理名称,表示的是秦岭和大巴山一带的简称,因此译成the Qinling and Daba mountain areas。
3.三期扶贫贷款项目The three-stage aid-the-poor loan project
“三期”即三个阶段的意思,因此用“three-stage”来译,“扶贫”此处译为“aid- the-poor”,也可译为“poverty alleviation, poverty relief”。
4.世界银行与中国目前已经开展的西南、秦巴、西部三期扶贫贷款项目,援助总规模达6.1亿美元,覆盖9个省区、91个贫困县、800多万贫困人口。The three-
[分析]: 理解结构采分点。
5.项目建设主要包括大农业、基础设施建设、第二第三产业开发、劳务输出、教育卫生和贫困监测等方面。This project mainly involved mega-agriculture, infrastructure, development of secondary and tertiary industries, labor service export, education, health care and poverty monitoring.
此处“大农业”指的是包括农、林、牧、副、渔的大农业,因此译为mega- agriculture,“基础设施建设”是常用时事词汇,可译为infrastructure,还可译为 infrastructure construction,“第二三产业”也是常用时事词汇,固定译法为 secondary and tertiary industries。
6.温饱问题the food and clothing problem
“温饱问题”是极具中国政治特色的词汇,因此也有固定的译法,the food and clothing problem或者problem of food and clothing。