问题 问答题

函数print(BinTreeNode*t; DateType &x)的功能是在二叉树中查找值为x的结点,并打印该结点所有祖先结点。在此算法中,假设值为x的结点不多于一个。此算法采用后序的非递归遍历形式。因为退栈时需要区分右子树。函数中使用栈ST保存结点指针ptr以及标志tag,Top是栈顶指针。
void print( BinTreeNode * t; DateType &x)
stack ST; int i, top; top = 0;//置空栈
while(t! = NULL &&t-> data!= x || top!=0)
while(t!= NULL && t-> data!=x)

(1) ;
ST[top]. ptr = t;
ST[top]. tag = 0;
(2) ;

if(t!= Null && t -> data == x) /*找到值为x的结点*/
for(i=1; (3) ;i ++)
printf("%d" ,ST[top]. ptr ->data);
while( (4) )

ST[top]. tag = 1;
(5) ;


参考答案:(1)top++ (2)t=t->leftChild (3)i=top
(4)top>0 && ST[top].tag=1

解析: 这个程序是一个典型二叉树后序遍历非递归算法的应用。算法的实现思路是:先扫描根结点的所有左结点并入栈;当找到一个结点的值为x,则输入出栈里存放的数据,这些数据就是该结点所有祖先结点;然后判断栈顶元素的右子树是否已经被后序遍历过,如果是,或者右子树为空,将栈顶元素退栈,该子树已经全部后序遍历过;如果不是,则对栈顶结点的右子树进行后序遍历,此时应把栈顶结点的右子树的相结点放入栈中。再重复上述过程,直至遍历过树中所有结点。
(4)空所在循环是判断栈顶元素的右子树是否已经被后序遍历过,如果是,或者右子树为空,将栈顶元素退栈,这里要填写判断条件。 tag=0表示左子树,tag=1表示右子树,因此,(4)空处应填写“top> 0&&ST [top].tag=1”。

    While in most present schools it is controversial (有争议的) whether students should wear uniforms. Most
of elementary schools have taken uniform policy. Uniforms serve students benefits in several ways. First of all,
uniforms act as social equalizers (均衡器). Children often feel less social stress when everyone in the school is
dressed the same way. Students who can not be fashionable due to poverty are made to feel more comfortable
among their classmates. Moreover, wearing uniforms influences students' team spirit. Students are made to
feel as if they are a part of a team by wearing uniforms. In addition, school uniforms would help students in
other ways. Students would not be late for school as often because of the indecision (拿不定主意) about what
to wear in the morning.
     However, when the topic comes to high school situation, further details should be carefully examined. The
uniform is not the right answer to different problems that the high school education is facing. Having grown up
already, most students no longer feel that uniforms help them become a part of the school. Furthermore,
uniforms may not save parents as much money as many people think. Many times students don't wear their
school uniforms once they are out of school. Sneakers, jackets, boots and casual clothing will still be needed.
What may first appear to be economical may not be accurate (正确的) in reality.
    It seems that the answer to the school uniform debate is not a simple "yes" or"no". There is no clear
consensus (共识) as to the benefits of school uniforms.

                                             Title: Should students wear uniforms?

As for this troublesome question, there is no 1______ that has been reached.
Elementary schools2______ schools
Uniforms act 3_____ social equalizers.
4_____ the same way, children
often feel less social stress.
The uniform is not the right answer to
different problems that the high school
5______ is facing.
Wearing uniforms influences students'
team 6______.
Most schools can't feel that uniforms help
them become a part of the school any
Students can save a lot of 8_____ which they
would spend 9_____ what to wear
every morning,
What may first appear to be economical
may not be accurate in 10_____ life.