问题 单项选择题







材料一 西周的学校教育……教师既行教事,又兼管国家的日常事务,形成了“官师合一”的局面;教学场所同时也是举行祭祀、飨射、治历、望气、布政等日常国事的场所……春秋战国时期,官学赖以生存的政治、经济基础逐渐瓦解……对士的需要激增,于是平民中涌现出一批新的士,士也逐渐成为知识分子的通称。士阶层的壮大为私学的产生提供了必要的师资条件……私学是由私人授徒办学的教学组织形式……战国时期,随着社会局势的剧变和民间学术文化的发展,又有许多哲人、学者投身于教育行列,专以一家之言立教。春秋战国时期的私学……自由讲学,各具特色;为诸家学派的基地;是参议时政的论坛……游学列国,进行学术传播和交流。


材料二 一个青年跑进大学求学,毕业后,派到地方服务。待服务地方行政有了政绩,再经长官察选到中央,又须经过中央一番规定的考试,然后才始正式入仕。那是当时入仕从政的唯一正途,政府的一切官吏,几乎全由此项途径出身。这样的政府,我们再也不能叫它做贵族政府……我们只能叫它做读书人的政府,或称士人政府。


材料三 元光元年,汉武帝“初令郡国举孝廉各一人”。汉举贤良,自董仲舒以来,皆对策三道。……当时未有黜落法,对策者皆被选,但有高下尔。此后,郡国每岁荐举孝廉,由朝廷加以考核,任命为官,成为定制。


材料四 随着门阀世族的衰落,九品中正制在开皇年问被隋文帝废除,改为主要通过察举选拔官员。唐人杨绾云:“近炀帝始置进士之科,当时优试策而已。”科举由应试人于一定时期,投牒自进,按科应试,共同竞争,试后有黜落,中试者举用之,然后为真正考试。……秀才、明经等科是由察举转化而来,进士科为新设科目。








How could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments-mostly for entertainment purposes-is fair and respectful?

Zoo officials say they are concerned about animals. How ever, most zoos remain “collections” of interesting “things” rather than protective habitats (栖息地). Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals bored, lonely, and far from their natural bones.

Zoos claim (声称) to educate people and save endangered species(物种), but visitors leave zoos without having learned anything meaningful about the animals’ natural behavior, intelligence, or beauty. Zoos keep animals in small spaces or cages, and most signs only mention the species’ name, diet, and natural range(分布区). The animals’ normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don’t usually take care of the animals’ natural needs.

The animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity for mental and physical exercise. This results in unusual and self-destructive behavior called zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found that zoochosis is common among animals kept in small spaces or cages. Another study showed that elephants spend 22 percent of their time making repeated head movements or biting cage bars, and bears spend 30 percent of their time walking back and forth, a sign of unhappiness and pain.

Furthermore, most animals in zoos are not endangered. Captive breeding (圈养繁殖) of endangered big cats, Asian elephants, and other species has not resulted n their being sent back to the wild. Zoos talk a lot about their captive breeding programs because they do not want people to worry about a species dying out. In fact, baby animals also attract a lot of paying customers. Haven’t we seen enough competitions to name baby animals?

Actually, we will save endangered species only if we save their habitats and put an end to the reasons people kill them. Instead of supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to protect animals’ natural habitats.

64. How would the author describe the animals’ life in zoos?

A. Dangerous.        B. Unhappy.          C. Natural.            D. Easy.

65. In the state of zoochosis, animals _________.

A. remain in cages                       B. behave strangely

C. attack other animals                 D. enjoy moving around

66. What does the author try to argue n the passage?

A. Zoos are not worth the public support.

B. Zoos fail in their attempt to save animals.

C. Zoos should treat animals as human beings.

D. Zoos use animals as a means of entertainment.

67. The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument mainly by _____.

A. pointing out the faults in what zoos do

B. using evidence he has collected at zoos

C. questioning the way animals are protected

D. discussing the advantages of natural habitats

68. Although he argues against zoos, the author would still agree that _______.

A. zoos have to keep animals in small cages

B. most animals in zoos are endangered species

C. some endangered animals are reproduced in zoos

D. it’s acceptable to keep animals away from their habitats