Palmer insisted there was a basic difference between the ______ capacities of human beings and the trained or " studial" capacities of the classroom learner.
解析: Palmer insisted there Was a basic difference between the spontaneous capacities of human beings and the trained or "studial" capacities of the classroom learner. 帕尔默是口语法的奠基人,他坚持认为,人们自然的、无意识的习得语言(acquired language)的自发能力(spontaneous capacities)与学生通过训练或“学习”得到的能力(trained or "studial" capacities)之间有着根本的不同,他认为:自发能力在习得口语的过程中被得到充分发挥,而学得的能力则是培养读写能力所需要的。