问题 填空题

Column A

①language acquisition device (LAD)
②stimulus and response
③the discourse theory
④acquisition and learning
⑤the input hypothesis

Column B

a. The former refers to the subconscious process leading to the development of "competence"; the latter refers to conscious study and knowledge of grammatical rules.
b. A sort of mechanism or device which contains the capacity to acquire one’s first language.
c. It assumes that humans acquire language in only one way—by understanding messages, or by receiving "comprehensible input".
d. It believes there is little difference between the first language acquisition process and the process of second language acquisition—only through communication discourses.
e. The former serves to elicit behaviour; the latter is triggered by the former.


参考答案:①b ②e ③d ④a ⑤c

解析: ①b:乔姆斯基认为每一个儿童生来就具有语言习得机制(LAD:Language Acquisition Device),不需要教他们语言,也不需要纠正其语言错误,只要让他们生活在语言环境之中,就能学会语言,并且在不知不觉中掌握其本族语的语法规则。
③d:话语交际说(Discourse theory)是由韩礼德的第一语言习得理论发展而来的,由哈奇(Hatch)于20世纪70年代后期提出。韩礼德认为,第一语言习得的过程实际上就是学会用语言进行交际的过程,哈奇赞同他的母语习得观,认为第二语言习得的过程与第一语言的习得过程实际上没什么区别——学生只有通过话语交际才能习得第二语言。
④a:自然法的提倡者克拉申的第二语言习得中自我监测模式(Monitor Model)区分了获得和使用第二语言和外语中的两个性质截然不同的过程,一个是“习得”(Acquisition),另一个是“学习”(Learning),习得是潜意识过程导致“语言能力”的发展和提高,而学习是有意识地学习语法规则。
