问题 多项选择题



参考答案:void jsSort()
int i,j,k, strl,half;
char ch;
strA=strlen (xx [i] ); /*求字符串的长度*/
for (j =0; j〈half-A; j ++) /*将左边部分按字符的ASCII值降序排序*/
for (k=j+l;k〈half;k++)
if (xx[i] [j]〈xx[i] [k])
ch=xx[i] [j];
xx[i] [j]=xx[i] [k];
xx[i] [k] =ch;
for (j=half-A, k=strA-A; j>=0; j--, k--) /*将左边部分和右边部分的对应字符互换位置*/
ch=xx[i] [j];
xx[i] [j]=xx[i] [k];
xx[i] [k] =ch;

解析: 本题考查对二维字符数组的处理。由于对二维字符数组的操作是按照先行后列的顺序,因此,需要首先求得各行字符串的长度(利用求字符串长度的strlen()函数),之后借助循环结构逐个访问各行中的每一个字符。在本题中,应先确定各行中字符串的中间位置(长度的一半就是中间位置),之后先对中间位置以前的字符进行降序排序,排序过程如下:依次用每一个位置的字符与它后面的所有字符(到中间位置前一个字符结束)进行比较,如果发现某字符的ASCII码值大于当前被比较的字符的ASCII码值,则将该字符与当前字符进行交换,交换过后继续与其后面的字符进行比较。最终比较所得的结果是第一个被比较的位置总是存放着最大的字符,第二个位置总是存放着次大的字符,以此类推就实现了从大到小的排序功能。接着要做的工作是把中间位置前的一个位置定为初始位置,字符串中的最后一个位置也视为初始位置,让两个位置所对应的字符进行交换,交换过后,这两个位置值(也就是下标值)分别前移,再进行对应位置字符的交换。最终实现了题目要求。


Businesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens?

In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). And plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset, or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business.

The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We (people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesn't mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had.

Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required to set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills.

小题1:Which question does the author try to answer?

A.What past experience is useful for businesses

B.How much time is needed for making plans

C.How can changes be made in businesses

D.What kinds of employees are the best小题2:Where does the business culture mainly come from?

A.The founder

B.The progress

C.The new employees

D.The collective effort小题3:What does the author think about the mindset of the company leader?

A.It can prevent the enrichment of experience

B.It is useful far skill and knowledge learning

C.It is important for personal beliefs build-up

D.It may limit the company's development
