问题 问答题

生产过程主要由氧化和精制两部分组成。氧化反应以对二甲苯为原料,乙酸为溶剂,乙酸钴和乙酸锰为催化剂,溴化物为促进剂,在一定压力和温度的条件下,通入压缩空气使其发生氧化反应。对二甲苯氧化过程中伴随有副反应产生,主要是原料和溶剂在反应系统中的燃烧反应生成一氧化碳、二氧化碳和水,还会产生副产品乙酸甲酯。中间产物有对甲基苯甲酸和对羧基苯甲醛,在精制过程中,通过加氢将对羧基苯甲醛还原为易溶于水的对甲基苯甲酸。原料对二甲苯的用量为 396000/a,其中转化为产品的有383400t/a。年工作时间为7200h。对苯二甲酸装置的废气处理采用低压催化焚烧法,废气净化前后污染物的变化见表1。

表1 对苯二甲酸装置的废气前后污染物的变化

污染物 净化前废气 净化合废气 去除率/% 净化后污染源强/(mg/s)
一氧化碳/(kg/h) 672 30 95.5
乙酸/(kg/h) 26 2 92.3
乙酸甲酯/(kg/h) 200 10 95.0
溴乙烷/(kg/h) 20 4 80.0


表2 该项目的固废产生情况

编号 固废来源 产生量/(kg/h) 主要组成
1 催化剂回收残渣 226 Mn、Co等
2 TA残渣 500 对苯二甲酸等
3 生活垃圾 24 办公用品、手纸等


750 ——

表3 污水处理站工艺设计参数

处理单元 调节池A 调节池B 事故池 厌氧池A/B 一级好氧池A/B 一段固液分离池 二级好氧池A/B 二段固液分离池 气浮池 排放池
容积/m3 10000 10000 10000











1800 1500
CODCr进水浓度/(mg/L) 4500 4500 事故状态 4500 ——
CODCr出水浓度/(mg/L) 4500 4500 事故状态 ——
去除率/% —— —— —— 40 80 —— 85 20 25 ——





     When you take a walk in a town in a western country, you'll often see people walking   1   their dogs. It is
still true that a dog is   2   animal in the world, but the reason why people   3   a dog has changed. Once a upon
a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight   4   other animals and he found the dog   5   him
and did what he told him   6  . Later people used dogs for hunting   7   other animals, and the dogs did not   8   
what they got until their masters agreed. So dogs were used for   9   sheep and guarding chickens. But now the
people in the towns and cities  10  dogs to fight other animals for them. Why do they keep dogs? Of course, they
keep them to  11  thieves, but the most important reason is  12  people feel  13  in the city. For a child, a dog is
his  14  friend when he has no friends to  15 . For a young wife, a dog is her  16  when she does not have her
own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their  17  children have grown up and  18 . Now people do not
have to use a dog, but they keep it  19  a friend, just like a member of the  20 .
( )1. A. from         
( )2. A. the loveliest
( )3. A. train         
( )4. A. against       
( )5. A. listen to     
( )6. A. /             
( )7. A. instead of   
( )8. A. like          
( )9. A. driving      
( )10. A. needn't      
( )11. A. fight         
( )12. A. that         
( )13. A. alone        
( )14. A. worst        
( )15. A. talk with    
( )16. A. baby         
( )17. A. true         
( )18. A. left         
( )19. A. like          
( )20. A. society      
B. with          
B. the cleverest 
B. walk         
 B. with          
B. listening to  
B. to            
B. instead for   
B. eat           
B. training      
B. need          
B. catch         
B. why           
B. happy         
B. best          
B. play          
B. child         
B. small         
B. disappeared     
 B. as            
B. family        
C. along        
C. the kindest  
C. keep         
C. towards      
C. listened to  
C. about        
C. with         
C. take         
C. tending      
C. didn't need  
C. recognize    
C. because      
C. lonely       
C. most horrible    
C. play with    
C. girl         
C. old          
C. died         
C. for          
C. home         

D. for            
D. the most useful
D. take           
D. for            
D. listening      
D. for            
D. for            
D. keep           
D. raising        
D. do not need             
D. frighten       
D. frighten       
D. rich           
D. nearest        
D. talk           
D. boy            
D. real           
D. missed         
D. to             
D. house