问题 填空题

Directions:This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked 1) ,2), 3 ) ,4) or 5) in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match.
1) ______ the Direct Method
2) ______ the Audiolingual Method
3) ______ the Oral Approach
4) ______ the Communicative Approach
5) ______ the Cognitive Approach
a) cognitive psychology and transformational grammar
b) Notional Syllabus or some other communicatively organized syllabus
c) language acquisition and associationist psychology
d) British "structuralism"
e) structural linguistics



解析:口语教学法/情景教学法的语言理论基础可以说是英国的一种结构主义。英国的语言学家们通过描述语言的基本元素(basic elements)来分析语言,这是他们遵循的传统,他们认为语言的基本元素都遵循一定的规则(rule-governed),也就是说,低一级的词类(如名词、形容词)可导致高一级的短语和句子系统。英国结构主义不同于美国结构主义,他们侧重于“语境和情景”(context and situation),认为语言结构与使用语言的语境与情景之间有着非常密切的关系。
