根据下面材料,回答下列问题: 拜利得商店进行清仓大甩卖。宣称价值1万元的商品,采取分期付款的方式,3年结清,假设利率为12%的单利。
该商品每月付款额为( )元。
A.369 B.374 C.378 D.381
1.He thinks_________(学习英语语法) is too boring.
2.The best way to learn new words is by_________(读英语杂志).
3.You’d better_________(大声朗读) to practise pronunciation.
4.He said he couldn’t_________(记忆单词).
5.They gave us many_________(详细的建议).
6._________(看英语电影) is also a good way to learn English.
7.Amy often_________(做笔记) in class.
8.The students want to write_________(完整的句子).
9.They_________(害怕) to speak English out of class.
10.Students in school might feel they have _________(好多工作要做).