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【背景资料】某公司承建某综合楼,位于居民密集区域,总建筑面积250000m2。工程设计为钢筋混凝土框架结构,工期500天。现场临时供电设施按照供电设计和施工总平面图布置妥当,并制定了临时用点施工组织设计。在施工过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:2002年5月22日,在地下室有3名工人正在进行消防管道焊接作业,室内储存了2瓶氧气和2瓶乙炔,他们都已经过培训考核合格,但尚未取得特种作业操作证书,另外一名工人在墙角休息吸烟,结果造成爆炸事故。 事件二:进入装修施工阶段后,项目经理安排安全员王某负责现场的消防安全管理,王某随后在施工材料的存放、保管上作了严格的防火安全要求,现场设置明显的防火宣传标志,制定了严格的明火使用规定,整个装修阶段未发生一起火警。 请依据上述背景资料完成下列小题。








  Daniel is an American young man. He lives on the    1    floor of a tall
building. His office is more than ten kilometers away. He must get up early 
   2    a quarter past six, and    3    home at seven. The lift takes him down. Then
he    4    to the bus stop. The stop is only two    5    metres from the building.
There he   6   No. 11 Bus. He begins     7    at eight and finishes it at five. Then
he comes back. He takes the lift up to the   8    floor. Then he     9  up the three
floors on foot, just for exercise. He cooks and eats his supper, and watches TV
until   10  . After that Daniel usually falls into bed for night.
( )1. A. fifte en      
( )2. A. in            
( )3. A. leave          
( )4. A. walk          
( )5. A. hundred        
( )6. A. drives        
( )7. A. to work        
( )8. A. twelve        
( )9. A. climb          
( )10. A. nine twentieth
B. fifteenth  
B. on        
B. left      
B. run        
B. hundreds  
B. takes      
B. works      
B. fifteen    
B. jumps      
B. nine twenty
C. fiveteen      
C. about        
C. le aves      
C. went          
C. hundreds of  
C. by            
C. work          
C. twelfth      
C. go            
C. nine-twentieth
D. fiveteenth  
D. at          
D. lives      
D. walks      
D. hundred of  
D. catch      
D. worked      
D. fifteenth  
D. climbs      
D. ninth twenty