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下列是中 * * 党在民主革命时期 * * 建设的材料
(1)中华苏维埃共和国的根本法(宪法)的任务,在于保证苏维埃区域工农民主专政的 * * 和达到它在全中国的胜利。这个专政的目的,是在消灭一切封建残余,赶走帝国主义列强在华的势力,统一中国,有系统的制止资本主义的发展,进行国家的经济建设,提高无产阶级的团结力与觉悟程度,团结广大的贫农群众在它的周围,以转变到无产阶级专政。
(2)中华苏维埃 * * 所建立的是工人和农民的民主专政的国家。苏维埃全部 * * 是属于工人、农民、红军兵士及一切劳苦民众,所有工人农民红军兵士及一切劳苦民众都有代表掌握 * * ,都有权选派代表参与 * * 的管理。只有军阀、官僚、地主、豪绅、资本家、富农、僧侣及一切剥削人的人和反革命分子是没有选派代表参加 * * 和政治上自由的权利的。
为了进一步巩固边区,发展抗日的政治经济文化建设,以达坚持长期抗战增进人民福利之目的起见,中共陕甘宁边区中央局特于边区第二届参议会举行的选举之际,根据孙中山先生的三民主义 * * 遗嘱及中 * * 的抗日民族统一战线原则,向我边区二百万人民提出如下之施政纲领,如 * * 党当选为行政人员,即将照此纲领坚决实施之。
本党愿与各党各派及一切群众团体进行选举联盟,并在候选名单中确定 * * 党只占三分之一,以便各党各派及无党派人士均能参加边区民意机关之活动与边区行政之管理,在 * * 党员被选为某一行政机关之主管人员时,应保证该机关之职员有三分之二为党外人士充任, * * 党员应与这些党外人士实行民主合作,不得一意孤行,把持包办。
人民是什么在中国,在现阶段,是工人阶级、农民阶级,是城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。这些阶级在工人阶级和 * * 党的领导之下,团结起来,组成自己的国家,选举自己的政府,向着帝国主义的走狗即地主阶级和官僚资产阶级以及代表这些阶级的国民党反动派及其帮凶实行专政,实行独裁,压迫这些人,只许他们规规矩矩,不许他们乱说乱动。如果要乱说乱动,立即取缔,予以制裁。对于人民内部,则实行民主制度,人民有言论集会结社等项的自由权。选举权,只给人民,不给反动派。这两方面,对人民内部的民主方面和对反动派的专政方面,互相结合起来,就是人民民主专政。



参考答案:工农民主专政、抗日民主 * * 、人民民主专政虽然在不同时期有着不同的具体内容与特点,但这种无产阶级领导的,以工农联盟为基础的,由几个革命阶级联合组成的新民主主义 * * ,在本质上同属于一个 * * 体系,反映了新民主主义的政治特点。
区别在于在不同时期 * * 的阶级基础不尽相同。工农民主 * * 由工人、农民、小资产阶级上层组成;抗日民主 * * 的阶级成分包括工人、农民、小资产阶级、民族资产阶级、开明绅士等;人民民主专政由工人、农民、小资产阶级、民族资产阶级组成。



     Jack, a middle school student, used to work hard at all his lessons. He usually got up earliest and

went to bed latest of the family. He hardly ever did outdoor activities. His parents worried about his

health. They asked him to get relaxed by watching TV or playing sports, but he wouldn't follow them.

Finally, one day he fell ill and had to stay in hospital for several weeks. Now Jack is in poor health.

Though he goes to school every day, he doesn't do so well in his studies as before.

     From Jack's story, we can see that health is very important. If you become sick, you may not go

on with your education, and then you can't make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are

strong, you can enjoy yourselves to do everything well.

     Then how should you keep fit? First, you should spend some time exercising every day to keep fit.

Second, you must go to bed and get up early. If you get up early, you can breathe fresh air (呼吸新

鲜空气) and make your heads cleverer. In a word, health is no less important than working hard for

us. So we should, on the one hand, work hard, and on the other hand, pay much attention to our health.


1. Jack used to be       .       

A. shy        

B. hard-working      

C. quiet        

D. athletic  

2. Jack hardly ever        in the past. 

A. fell ill                          

B. got up early

C. went to sleep late                

D. did outdoor activities 

3. Now Jack       .  

A. isn't in good health                

B. has to stay at home    

C. has to stay in hospital            

D. does as well in his studies as before

4. The underlined word "strong" means "      " in Chinese. 

A. 体弱的      

B. 坚强的          

C. 悲伤的      

D. 强健的

5. What can we learn from the passage?    

A. Jack hasn't changed a lot.

B. Jack used to be a good student.    

C. Health is important to everyone.

D. We should spend all our free time on our studies.  
