问题 问答题

(1) 施工单位将支模板工程分包给某一分包单位承包施工,该分包单位未经资质验证认可即进场施工并已进行了一层模板施工。
(2) 在钢筋骨架焊接过程中,施工单位有2名电焊工因病请假,施工单位负责人从另一工地借调2名电焊工顶替,没有通知监理工程师。
(3) 某层钢筋混凝土墙体,由于设备安装应预留洞口,设计图纸无洞口,施工单位未通报监理工程师就在施工中预留此洞口,且在该墙体钢筋绑扎后未经检查签证。
(4) 某层现浇钢筋混凝土墙体,拆模后发现局部胀模、蜂窝、麻面的现象。





Spanish ballet (西班牙芭蕾舞)
   The Spanish National Ballet will tour our country and their classical repertoires (剧目) will be shown in Beijing.
Time: 7:30 pm, May 20~21
Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beihu, Chaoyang
Tel: 6506-8116
Opera classic (经典作品)
     A new production of Kunqu Opera (a traditional Chinese opera in East China's Jiangsu Province), is now on in
Time: 8:00 pm, May 23
Place: Tianqiao Theater, 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District
Tel: 8315-6300
                                                                              Wonderful concert
     Musicians of the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra (交响乐团) will hold a concert in Beijing. We can enjoy
Mozart's Flute Concerto (协奏曲), Haydn's Trumpet Concerto and works by the Chinese composer (作曲家) Chen
Time: 7:30 pm, May 25
Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District
Tel: 6500-1188
1. If Chen Huan is free only on the evening of May 21, he can enjoy ______.     
A. opera classic                  
B. Spanish ballet
C. Haydn's Trumpet Concerto      
D. Mozart's Flute Concerto
2. Mr Johnson likes Spanish ballet very much, so he can go to ______ to see it.  
A. Tianqiao Theater              
B. National Theater  
C. Chaoyang Theater              
D. Poly Theater
3. Jane wants to buy a ticket to enjoy a traditional Chinese opera, so she should call ______.   
A. 8315-8116                    
B. 6506-8116        
C. 6500-1188                    
D. 8315-6300
4. The wonderful concert is held in Poly Theater at _________   
A. 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District
B. 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District
C. 14 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Dongcheng District
D. 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District
5. You can enjoy all the entertainment in the city of ______.   
A. Shanghai      
B. Tianjin      
C. Beijing        
D. Nanjing
单项选择题 A1/A2型题