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Recycling Paper

The process of recycling paper can help to reduce deforestation and energy consumption on a significant scale. There are many different reasons why we should recycle paper products, and some of these are (26) in the paragraphs below.
Energy consumption will always be on the (27) as population levels grow, and so any manufacturing processes which help to reduce energy consumption are (28)
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) claim that there can be as (29) as a 40% energy saving when recycling paper over producing paper (30) the direct raw material.
Although recycling paper has many (31) , it also has its drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is that we cannot recycle the (32) paper product for eternity, as the fibers contained within the paper degrade over time, (33) their strength and length.
On (34) , an individual paper fiber can only be recycled a (35) of six times. Although this is a significant drawback, the six time recycling process will help to (36) a great deal of energy when you consider (37) much paper there is to be recycled.
If paper fibers can be recycled up to 6 times, and we recycled all paper products, this could help to (38) the intensity of deforestation for paper products up to a factor of 6.
With paper production said to (39) around 40% of harvested wood, and paper said to (40) around 90% wood, you can see how recycling paper is an important process for the (41) of our forests.
Today, the use of recycled paper products is on the increase, as more and more people begin to recycle paper (42) products around the home.
Although there are slight differences in the recycling processes of different (43) of paper products (e.g. corrugated, mixed paper, newspaper products), we are able to recycle just about any type of paper product around today.
The recycling logo helps to (44) a recyclable product and can also sometimes help to identify if the product contains any recycled material, in the form of a percentage. This helps a consumer to identify the (45) of recycling various products.

A. save B. consume C. produce D. control








人物:               性格:                   



“砍死这帮畜生!砍死他们!砍死这帮波兰贵族!他们杀死了列图诺夫。”盛怒之下, 他扬起马刀,连看也不看,向一个穿绿军服的人劈下去。



一团绿火像镁光一样,在      眼前闪了一下,耳边响起了一声巨雷,烧红的铁片灼伤了他的头。大地可怕地、不可思议地旋转起来,向一边翻过去。

这段文字选自前苏联作家奥斯特洛夫斯基所著的长篇小说《          》。选文空缺处的人物是     ,除选文内容外,小说通过                     等一系列情节、事件塑造了这一典型形象。
