问题 单项选择题

(一)阅读下列短文,完成第11题至第15题。闻高鹗被解脱有感近来媒体盛传,《红楼梦》百二十回本的作者署名,将从曹雪芹、高鹗合署改为曹雪芹与“无名氏”同撰,新闻简略,据闻有详细考证,论定原先后四十回出高鹗手为站不住的传说,详情尚不得知。此事虽说不上 ,在《红楼梦》的读者和“红学”研究者看来,则并非小事一桩。可断言也。自“红学”生成以来,对后四十回及其作者的认定与评论,大体可分两派。其肯定后四十回为高续并加否定评论者,自鲁迅、胡适、俞平伯、周汝昌以降,实繁其徒,其否定高续者,到张爱玲而臻极致。其肯定高续并力挺其文学价值者,可以林语堂为代表,舒芜亦亦挺高之健者。双方观点鲜明对峙,如扩大而大之,读者群中因黛玉之死而下泪者,如越剧《红楼梦》、新面世以忠于百二十回原著的电影的部分观者皆是。双方鼎峙,难分高下,而他们都是承认后四十回著者为高鹗,则是一致的。尽管从文学艺术观点上,如水笼之不相容,也是公认的事实。按我国章回小说的作者,每不易认定。原因是习惯看法,小说是不登大雅之堂的东西,更加政治上的避忌,更不愿以真名姓示人。其实小说作者的考定,是一件特别烦难之事。《红楼梦》作者之为曹雪芹,也几乎被否定,有说为其叔者……不一而是。其实真正认真辩论起来,雪芹在书中自述核定增删,“十年辛苦”,说到底,不过是一位认真的“责任编辑”而已,是不是也应在作者署名上,加以斟酌呢?自然,这是一句笑话,不值红学专家一哂的。总而言之,在古典小说的作者问题上,一般说,应取“宜粗不宜细”的态度。不至徒费精力,在这种深邃的死胡同里开拓、前进。虽然,在高鹗说来,他的被解脱,能脱身于众口交责的尴尬境地,确是巴不得的“好事。”(摘自2010年9月9日《新民晚报》,有删改)









     In the USA, Mother's Day is a holiday on the    1    Sunday in May. On that day    2    give their mother
cards, presents and flowers. One of the best    3    to celebrate Mother's Day is    4    your mother a day off
(休息一天). Let her have a good rest    5    other members of the family do the housework.
      Many families begin Mother's Day    6    breakfast in bed. Usually dad and the children will let mom    7  
 more as they go into    8    and get ready for her favorite meal.    9    the food is cooked, they keep everything
nice on a plate. They don't forget    10    the bottle with only one flower on the plate. Then dad and children
carefully carry the plate to mom's bedroom.
      Many families take mom to her favorite restaurant for a meal. It is a good day to let your mom have a
rest and let her see what a wonderful family she has.

( )1. A. first     
( )2. A. father    
( )3. A. ways      
( )4. A. give      
( )5. A. after     
( )6. A. with      
( )7. A. to sleep  
( )8. A. the bedroom
( )9. A. Before    
( )10. A. put      
B. second         
B. student       
B. cards        
B. to give        
B. before        
B. to            
B. sleeping        
B. the dining room  
B. After        
B. to put      
C. third     
C. children  
C. children  
C. giving    
C. while                  
C. of        
C. slept  
C. the kitchen 
C. On        
C. putting 
D. two        
D. boys       
D. mothers     
D. gives   
D. on         
D. for     
D. sleep     
D. the classroom 
D. Ago        
D. puts     