问题 填空题

字符组合:程序界面如图示,在文本框Text1中输入若干个任意字符,单击“颠倒”按钮,将这些字符按相反的顺序显示在标签Lable1 中,并在标签Labs1 2处显示字符的个数。例如:输入abcabc2,显示为 2cbabca,组成字符数为4。

[Visual Basic 代码]
Private Sub cmdshow_ Click (
Dim n As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim str1 As String
N=Len ( Text1.Text )
For I=n To Step- 1
Str1= (1)
Next I
Labe11. Caption=Str1
End Sub
Private Sub cmdcount_ Click ( )
Dim n As Integer
Dim in As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim flag As Integer
Dim str1 As Integer
Dim str2 As Integer
N= (2)
Str1 =Mid$ ( Text1.Text, i. 1
For I =2 To n
Str2=mid$ ( Text1,Text,I,1
M=Len (str1)
For j=1 To m
If (4) Then flag= 1; Exit For
Next j
If flag<>1 then str1=str1& str2
Next I
Lable2.Caption= (5)
End Sub


参考答案:(A) StrA& Mid $ (TextA.Text,I,A) (B) Len (TextA.Text)
(C) Flag=0 (D) str B=Mid $(strA,j,A)
(E) Str $(Len (strA))
