After observing the Earth’s weather patterns and the 11-year sunspot cycle of the Sun for 36 years, scientists have found that high levels of sunspot activity precede shifts in wind patterns that affect the Earth’s weather. One can conclude that meteorologists will be able to improve their weather forecasts based on this information.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above
A.Weather forecasts are more detailed today than they were 36 years ago.
B.Scientists can establish that sunspot activity directly affects the Earth’s weather.
C.Evidence other than sunspot activity has previously enabled meteorologists to forecast the weather conditions that are predictable on the basis of sunspot activity.
D.Scientists have not determined why the sunspot activity on the Sun follows an 11-year cycle.
E.(E) It has been established that predictable wind patterns yield predictable weather patterns.
解析: 本题推理为“利用太阳黑子活动情况可改善天气预报”。(C)指出无因(太阳黑子活动情况)却有果(运行天气预报),也就是把A与B断开,因此(C)是一个很好的削弱;(B)易误选,但(B)是支持,要注意看清问题目的。