问题 单项选择题

依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。

A.历经坎坷 烟消云散 揣测
B.跌宕起伏 不堪一击 臆想
C.沧海桑田 明日黄花 幻想
D.此消彼长 败走麦城 预测



解析: 从第一个空难以确定选项,因此可以先从第二个空考虑。第二空明显应选择与“唯我独尊”意思相反的词,“烟消云散”比喻事物消失得无影无踪;“不堪一击”比喻力量薄弱,承受不住打击;“明日黄花”比喻已失去新闻价值的报道或已失去应时作用的事物;“败走麦城”比喻陷入绝境,一般用来形容事事能成功的人也有失败的时候。显然A、D可以排除。由第二个空后面的句子,“波斯语……沦为了寻常语言”可知,“烟消云散”不符合题意,与“唯我独尊”意思相反的词是“不堪一击”,B项正确。


On August 27, 1783, the people of the village of Gomesse, in France, looked up into the sky and saw a strange and terrible animal. It was huge and round, flying down from the sky. It landed in the field just outside the village. It was clear to the people of Gomesse that they had to defend themselves. The animal was clearly some kind of terrible “spirit”. They were afraid of the spirit but they were also very brave. They rushed out into the field and fought the animal with knives and sticks and farming tools. The “spirit” made terrible noises, like an animal that can breathe only with great difficulty.

But that was not the worst thing. When the villagers cut into the spirit's skin, it gave off a horrible smell, and even after the villagers had cut the thing open, it still moved. Finally the villagers tied it to a horse. The horse ran through the fields and the “Spirit” was torn to pieces. What was the terrible spirit? The answer is that it was one of the first “hot air balloons气球”. Its skin was made of silk and a kind of rubber. The terrible smell was the hot air inside the balloon. When the air got out through the cuts in the skin, it also caused the horrible noises.

1. The terrible noises were made because        .

A. the spirit could hardly breathe

B. the spirit wanted to frighten the villagers

C. the spirit was afraid of the villagers

D. hot air got out through the skin

2. The terrible smell was        .

A. the smell of silk and rubber

B. the hot air inside the balloon

C. the smell of burnt house

D. the smell of burnt crops

3. The spirit didn't stop moving until        .

A. the hot air in it ran out completely

B. the villagers cut into its skin

C. the villagers cut it open

D. it gave off a horrible smell

4. The villagers tied the spirit to a horse        .

A. shortly after they caught sight of the spirit

B. because it didn't stop moving though it was cut open

C. after it was torn to pieces

D. because the villagers wanted to take it away
