问题 问答题

甲企业、乙企业和朱某作为发起人募集设立了丙股份有限公司,丙公司共有200万股股份,甲企业持有丙公司40万股股份,乙企业持有丙公司20万股股份,朱某持有丙公司10万股股份,其余股份以无记名股票的形式发放募集。丙公司章程中规定实行累积投票制。 丙公司为奖励公司杰出员工王某用税前利润收购了本公司1千股股票,但是转让给王某前,王某辞职,丙公司遂决定由公司自己持有这1万股股票。 丙公司董事会成员之间发生矛盾,9名董事有4名辞职,公司管理混乱,董事会于董事辞职3个月后决定召开临时股东大会增选4名董事。临时股东大会会议召开15日前董事会通知了甲企业、乙企业和朱某,并公告了会议召开的时间、地点和审议事项。 张某持有丙公司6万股股票,张某在临时股东大会召开10前提出临时提案并书面提交董事会,提案要求股东大会作出解散公司的决议,董事会认为张某的提案是无稽之谈,未予理会。 丙公司临时股东大会增选出4名董事。周某持有丙公司2万股股票,周某由于没有看到丙公司的公告,致使没有参加临时股东大会,周某在决议作出之日起第45日向法院申请撤销丙公司此次临时股东大会增选4名董事的决议。 根据以上情况,回答下列问题:





Section B
Passage 1

Mount Rushmore is a national monument located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Carved into the side of the large mountain are the faces of four men who were the Presidents of United States. These men were chosen because all four played important roles in American history. The four faces carved onto Mount Rushmore are those of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Each face carved into the mountain is about 60 feet tall.
George Washington was chosen for this monument because of his role in the Revolutionary War and his fight for American independence. He was the first President of United States and is often called Father of the country. Thomas Jefferson was picked because he believed that people should be allowed to govern themselves, which is the basis for American democracy. Abraham Lincoln was added because he believed that all people are equal, and he helped end slavery in the United States. Theodore Roosevelt was chosen because he was such an influential President and world leader.
The man who carved Mount Rushmore was named Gutzon Borglum, and he worked on the monument until his death in 1941. After Gutzon Borglum died, his son Lincoln Borglum took his place and went on with the work on the mountain. Fourteen years were spent creating the faces on Mount Rushmore. Dynamite was used to blast the tough and giant rock off the mountain to make a smooth surface for the faces. George Washington was carved first, and his face began as an egg-shaped piece of rock. Thomas Jefferson was added to the right of George Washington, but his face cracked and had to he blasted off the mountain. Jefferson was then re-carved to the left of George Washington. Lincoln and then Roosevelt were added to the mountain. Snow and a dearth of money slowed down the process of the work, and all work on the monument had to come to an end when there was no money left to continue.

What is the main idea of this passage

A.What Mount Rushmore looks like and how it was created.

B.How Gutzon Borglum raised money to create Mount Rushmore.

C.How presidents helped build Mount Rushmore.

D.Why Mount Rushmore was never finished.
