问题 问答题

Are there any similarities and differences between the Oral Approach and the Audiolingual Method in terms of language theories and learning theories



In terms of language theories, there exist little differences between the Oral Approach and the Audiolingual Method. The two approaches have the following similarities: both hold a structural view of language. Structural linguistics views language as a system of structurally related elements for the expression of meaning. Both identify language with speech, and speech ability is approached though oral practice of structure. However, the Oral Approach was developed by the British applied linguists, while the Audiolingual Method was developed by the American structuralists. In terms of learning theories, the two methods also have something in common: both believe in a theory of learning that is based on a type of behaviourist habit-formation theory. Foreign language learning is considered basically a process of habit formation. However, there are also differences between them: while both methods emphasize the establishment of good speech habits through repetition of sentence patterns, the Oral Approach holds that new language points should be introduced and practised situationally, that is, in meaningful context, not be taught as isolated, disconnected elements. And the Oral Approach encouraged direct and spontaneous use of the target language in the classroom. The Audiolingual Method holds learning a language is a process of acquiring a set of appropriate language stimulus-response chains, a mechanical process of habit formation. It overemphasizes language form, not language content; students are not expected to make any spontaneous, personal contribution.
