问题 不定项选择 案例分析题

案例一: 一般资料:求助者,女性,32岁,公司职员。 案例介绍:求助者由于婆婆矛盾,烦躁、失眠两个多月。 下面是心理咨询师与求助者之间的一段咨询对话。 心理咨询师:您能具体谈谈您与婆婆的相处情况吗? 求助者:我结婚前,就对她很有意见了。那时我们准备结婚,他家有两套房子,一套80平米的老房子,我公婆住着,另一套是140平米的新房,刚装修好。本来我公公打算让我们住这套新房,可我婆婆非说他们老两口一辈子没住过大房子,非要住这套新房不可,最后我们就在那套老房子里结的婚。 心理咨询师:因为这件事,您开始对婆婆有意见了? 求助者:是啊!他们老两口都那么大岁数了,干嘛非要住大房子,让我这新媳妇住老房子,这不就是瞧不起我嘛!而且还有更过分的。结婚两年后我怀孕了,那时婆婆马上就要退休了,我心里想着婆婆正好退休后帮我带孩子。谁想到,婆婆明知道我怀孕了,居然在单位返聘,继续上班。您说,她这不是成心不想给我带孩子嘛,她也太不把我当回事了! 心理咨询师:除了这两件事以外,还有其他事情吗? 求助者:有啊!今年孩子上幼儿园,我想让我婆婆每天早点下班,帮我接孩子,可她就是不肯,说是既然拿了单位的工资,就要认真上班。她连这点小事都不肯帮我!一想到这些,我就特别生气,特烦,吃不下饭,睡不好觉,天天和我爱人吵架,连工作都受到影响。您说我该怎么办? 心理咨询师:听了您的叙述,我非常理解您的心情。在结婚、住房和照顾孩子这些事上,您婆婆的表现让您觉得她瞧不起您,不把您当回事,这让您感到生气,甚至还为此影响了夫妻和工作,对吗? 求助者:是啊,她一点都不肯帮我,她根本就没把我当亲生女儿看待! 心理咨询师:您希望您的婆婆对你,就像对亲身女儿那样? 求助者:是啊! 心理咨询师:那您有没有像对自己亲身母亲那样,对待您的婆婆呢? 求助者:……(沉默),好像也没有,我对自己的母亲要比对婆婆好得多。 心理咨询师:我们希望别人对我们怎样,首先就应该对别人怎样,如果自己都做不到,怎么能期待别人能做到呢。 求助者:那我不要求她把我当亲女儿看了,但她至少也要做一个婆婆该做的呀。 心理咨询师:一个婆婆应该做什么呢 求助者:帮忙带孩子,照顾孩子呗。 心理咨询师:帮儿媳妇带孩子,是婆婆的法定义务吗? 求助者:那倒不是,但很多当婆婆不都是这么做的嘛,她不愿意帮我,分明是瞧不起我。 心理咨询师:您认识的女性中,有没有婆婆没帮着带孩子的呢? 求助者:有啊。 心理咨询师:那她们都觉得自己的婆婆瞧不起自己吗? 求助者:那倒没有。 心理咨询师:同样是婆婆没帮着带孩子,因为什么其他人都能接受,而您却认为婆婆是瞧不起您呢? 求助者:…..(沉默)难道是我的问题? 心理咨询师:是您对这件事的看法存在问题。人们对事物都有一些自己的看法。有的是合理的,有的是不合理的,不同的想法可能会导致不同的情绪反应和行为结果。 ……










     Four years ago, when Mr Ted was sixty, he retired.  He left the restaurant in which he had worked

for forty-three years and returned to his home village. There he bought a small piece of farm and planted

a lot of apple trees in it. He took good care of them and this year there were plenty of apples on the trees. The old man was very happy.

     But these days the old man had been worried. Nearly every night this garden was broken into and

plenty of apples had been lost. So he decided to do his best to catch the thief himself. Last night he sat in

a tree and carefully watched who would come and pick the apples. At midnight, Mr Ted was so tired that he went to sleep. Suddenly some noise woke him up. The noise came from a big tree. He went there

gently and saw a boy standing under the tree with a bag full of apples.  At once he recognized he was

Tom who lived just next to him.

     "How can you do that, Tom?" the old man became angry and shouted." I'll tell your father about it! "

     But the boy wasn't afraid about it. He looked up and called out, "Have you heard yet, Dad? Mr Ted

has something to talk to you. "

1. When Mr Ted was ________ ,he began to work in the restaurant.          

A. four        

B. seventeen      

C. forty-three      

D. sixty    

2. Mr Ted was happy several days ago because ________.  

A. he came back to his home village  

B. he had bought a farm in his village              

C. the apple trees grew very well    

D. he would pick many apples in autumn  

3. Mr Ted sat in the tree ________.       

A. to catch the thief                        

B. to pick some apples              

C. to watch it carefully                      

D. to have a good sleep

4. As ________, Mr Ted shouted to the boy.              

A. he wanted to send Tom to the police  

B. he wanted to tell Tom's father about it            

C. he wanted to frighten Tom          

D. he wanted Tom to pay for the apples

5. Why wasn't the boy afraid when Mr Ted said he would tell his father about it?        

A. Because he was Mr Ted 's next-door neighbor.            

B. Because his father was kind to him.            

C. Because he didn't steal Mr Ted's apples.              

D. Because his father himself was in the tree stealing apples, too.
