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案例二: 一般资料:求助者,女性,30岁,公务员。 案例介绍:求助者由于女儿的问题前来咨询。 下面是心理咨询师与求助者之间的一段咨询对话。 心理咨询师:您好!请问我能为您提供什么帮助吗? 求助者:我的女儿现在5岁了,特别地不听话,真是让我有操不完的心,您帮帮我吧。 心理咨询师:您能说说您的女儿都有哪些不听话的表现吗? 求助者:我女儿四岁前一直住在我父母家,四岁后我们把她接回到身边,开始还很乖。不知道从什么时候开始,她每天晚上在家里大吵大嚷,而且还满地打滚,我和她爸爸怎么批评都没用,有时候气急了,打她几巴掌,也没什么效果,更可气的是,越是批评她,她闹得越起劲,他这么小就这么不听话,将来可怎么办啊!我现在一想起这孩子的问题就特别烦,您说我该怎么办啊! 心理咨询师:您女儿经常在家吵闹,而且不管您和您丈夫怎样批评教育,都没有效果,这让您很焦虑,我非常能理解您作母亲的这种心情,也替您感到着急。您说您的女儿每天都要在家里吵闹,她是真的每一天都吵闹,还是偶尔也有比较安静,不吵闹的时候呢? 求助者:偶尔也有比较安静的时候,不过这种情况太少了。 心理咨询师:那您女儿比较安静的时候,您和您的丈夫会做何反应呢 求助者:我和我爱人都很忙,每天下班回家都精疲力竭了,还要和女儿作斗争,好不容易她哪天没闹,我们赶紧抓紧时间把没做完的工作做完,或者看电视,上上网。 心理咨询师:那也就是说,女儿不闹了,你们就会抓紧时间做自己的事情,不太关注她,是吗? 求助者:是的。 心理咨询师:从心理学的角度讲,您女儿的吵闹行文与家长的反应是有关系的。 求助者:和我们有关系? 心理咨询师:是的,每个孩子都希望获得家长的关注,您和您丈夫都很忙,甚至下班回家也没有时间陪孩子。您女儿吵闹,您和您丈夫就会批评她,但这种批评对孩子来说,在某种程度上也是一种关注,实际上,孩子通过她的行为获得了某种好处,也就是得到了强化。 求助者:这样看来,孩子的吵闹确实与我们有关系,那我们应该怎么办呢? 心理咨询师:当孩子再大吵大嚷,满地打滚的时候,您和您丈夫不要去批评她,而是迅速离开,如果她一旦安静下来,你们马上要给予鼓励和奖励。







参考答案:A, B, C, D


[A] Storytellers from antiquity knew the power of star-crossed romance, and so did Audrey Niffenegger. Her 2003 best seller The Time Traveler’s Wife is so plangent a tale of fatal love, with two adorable people fighting to beat the odds against them.
[B] Henry, you see, has the gift or curse of time-traveling: disappearing from one temporal and spatial reality to pop up, naked, in another. This science-fiction trope will be familiar to fans of The Terminator, but Henry is no action-fantasy god. He’s just a guy whose body has a wanderlust he can’t harness. That’s why, as he tells the besotted Clare, "I never wanted anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. " Of course they’re destined to be each other’s one and only loves.
[C] My friend and neighbor, the filmmaker Alan Wade, has a provocative explanation for why Titanic struck such a p and reverberant chord with hundreds of millions of moviegoers, especially women: the hero dies. OK, that breaks a cardinal rule of movie romance: that the lovers kiss happily at the final fade-out. Most examples of the genre end with that rosy image, in part because their makers are reluctant to bum out their audience.
[D] Henry (Eric Bana), who works in a Chicago public library, is in the reading room when a woman he’s never met walks up to him and says dewily, "I’ve loved you all my life. " She’s Clare (Rachel McAdams), a young artist, and in her past--Henry’s future-he has visited her and won her undying devotion.
[E] James Cameron must have been tempted to end his film with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jack surviving the ship’s sinking and enjoying a long life with Kate Winslet’s Rose.
[F] That it’s surprising it took six years for it to get to the big screen. Maybe prospective producers were reluctant to buck the prevailing wisdom of a conventional happy ending. Anyway, here is the film version, directed by Robert Schwentke. It’s soppy enough to suit the requirements of the weepie genre, and there’s a music score that tries to cue all the emotions in viewers, as if they’re incapable of locating their own feelings. But the movie also has an aching solidity that allows you to surrender to its cuddly-creepy feelings without hating yourself in the morning.
[G] But Cameron realized that by killing off Jack, he was raising the movie’s stakes from domestic platitude to classic romantic tragedy. Jack’s death stamped both finality and immortality on the lovers’ shipboard tryst. Because he is gone, their love will live forever.

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