问题 单项选择题

Which statement about the ARJ-21 Advanced Regional Jet is false
a. It is the first homegrown Chinese jetliner for the 21st Century.
b. It is of medium range.
c. It should start to roll off the production line later this year.
d. None of the above.



解析: The first homegrown Chinese jetliner, the medium range ARJ-21 Advanced Regional Jet for the 21st Century, should start to roll off the production line later this year. China expects to sell 300 of the 100-seater planes to Chinese customers over the next 20 years. There are 71 firm orders from smaller domestic carriers, and China intends to target export markets in Asia, Africa and South America. China is the world’s second largest market for planes outside the US. Sales are booming as the country’s airlines race to meet the surged demand for domestic air travel. According to a leading London consultancy, Boeing currently leads the way in China with a 64% market share. But Airbus is closing the gap. Both companies have invested heavily there, manufacturing parts in the country transferring technical know-how.

[难点] 选项全部来自于材料的第一句话“The first homegrown Chinese jetliner, the medium range ARJ-21 Advanced Regional Jet for the 21st Century, should start to roll off the production line later this year.”。由此,很快可以得出选项a、b、c均是正确表述,故选 d项。
