Dinosaur expert: Some paleontologists have claimed that birds are descendants of a group of dinosaurs called dromeosaurs. They appeal to the fossil record, which indicates that dromeosaurs have characteristics more similar to birds than do most dinosaurs. But there is a fatal flaw in their argument: the earliest bird fossils that have been discovered date back tens of millions of years farther than the oldest known dromeosaur fossils. Thus the paleontologists’ claim is false.
The expert’s argument depends on assuming which one of the following
A.Having similar characteristics is not a sign that types of animals are evolutionarily related.
B.Dromeosaurs and birds could have common ancestors.
C.Knowledge of dromeosaur fossils and the earliest bird fossils is complete.
D.Known fossils is indicate the relative dates of origin of birds and dromeosaurs.
E.(E) Dromeosaurs are dissimilar to birds in many significant ways.
解析: 既然已发现最早的鸟类化石比已发现的最古老的dromeosaurs化石早几千万年,那么一定是最早的鸟类化石与最古老的dromeosaurs化石的相对日期已经确定,即已知化石揭示了鸟类和dromeosaurs起源的相对日期,因此(D)为正确答案。