问题 单项选择题

An assisted birth using forceps or a vacuum extractor may be performed for ineffective pushing, for large neonates, to shorten the second stage of labor, or for a malpresentation. When caring for the mother following an assisted birth, the nurse should keep which of the following in mind()

A. A vacuum extractor is safer than forceps because it causes less trauma to the neonate and the mother’s perineum.

B. The neonate will develop a cephalohematoma as a result of the instrumentation.

C. The use of instruments during the birth process is a fairly rare occurrence.

D. Additional nursing interventions are needed to ensure an uncomplicated postpartum.




When used properly, a vacuum extractor is a safer delivery with fewer complications for the mother and the neonate than a forceps delivery. Cephalohematomas occur more often in assisted births than in unassisted births. Instruments are used during delivery when individually necessary. No additional nursing interventions are needed during the postpartum period.
