问题 不定项选择

"朝阳"股份有限公司为一从事家电生产的大型企业,2003年5月,经股东会决议,公司决定收购"胜新"股份有限公司的股票。朝阳公司通过证券交易所自5月1O日至5月20日共购进胜新公司股票占该公司发行在外的股票的5.12%,5月21日,朝阳公司向证监会和证券交易所作出书面报告,通知胜新公司,并于5月23日予以公告。5月24日,该公司继续购进胜新公司股票,至6月1日为止,朝阳公司共持有胜新公司股票占该公司已发行股份的31%,朝阳公司欲继续进行收购。  朝阳公司持有胜新公司股票达到其已发行股份的31%后,欲继续进行收购,则_________。










     A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) or Low-Fossil-Fuel Economy (LFFE) is an economy which has

a smallest output of greenhouse gas (GHG) release into the atmosphere, but specifically refers to the

greenhouse gas CO2. Recently, most of scientific and public opinion has come to the conclusion that

there is such an accumulation of GHG (especially CO2) in the atmosphere due to human-related

activities that the climate is changing. The over-concentration of these gases is producing global

warming that affects long-term climate, with negative impacts on humanity in the foreseeable future.

Globally performed LCEs therefore, are proposed as a means to avoid catastrophic climate change,

and as a forerunner to the more advanced, zero-carbon society and renewable-energy economy.

     Some nations are low-carbon societies which are not heavily industrialized or populated. In order

to avoid climate change at any point in the future, all nations considered carbon-thick societies and

societies which are heavily populated, should become zero-carbon societies and economies. Several

of these countries have promised to become "low carbon" but not entirely zero carbon, and claim that

release will be cut by 100% by offsetting release rather than stopping all release. In other words, some

release will continue which will be offset, so they are not low-release.

     Nations seek to become low-carbon economies as part of a national global warming

reductionstrategy. A comprehensive strategy to manage global warming is carbon neutrality,

geoengineering andadaptation to global warming.

     Nuclear power, or, the proposed strategies of carbon collection and storage (CCS) have been

proposed as the primary means to achieve a LCE while continuing to exploit non-renewable resources;

there is concern, however, with the matter of spent-nuclear-fuel storage, security and the uncertainty of

costs and time needed to successfully carry out CCS worldwide and with guarantees that the stored

release will not leak into the atmosphere. Alternatively, many have proposed renewable energy should

be the main basis of a LCE, but, they have their associated problems of high-cost and inefficiency; this

is changing, however, since investment and production have been growing significantly in recent times.

Furthermore, regardless of the effect to the atmosphere by GHG releases, the growing issue of peak

oil may also be reason enough for a change to a LCE.

1. Low-carbon economy is encouraged for the following reasons except that __________.

A. too much greenhouse gas CO2 is released

B. the over-concentration of greenhouse gases is producing global warming

C. it can avoid catastrophic climate change

D. low carbon and zero carbon nations and societies claim for it

2. The underlined word in the first paragraph probably means __________.

A. warning  

B. pioneer

C. symbol  

D. guide

3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Nuclear power could act as one of the primary means to achieve a LCE.

B. There's worry about spent-nuclear-fuel storage, security and the uncertainty of costs.

C. The stored release will be likely to leak into the atmosphere.

D. Renewable energy tends to become the only means to achieve a LCE.

4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that the writer's attitude toward the proposal of adapting

renewable energy is __________.

A. negative  

B. positive

C. self-confident  

D. doubtful