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甲企业为增值税一般纳税企业,2004年3月1日“应交税金——未交增值税”账户有贷方余额20 000元,2004年3月,该企业发生的有关业务如下(全部款项均通过银行存款收支):
(1) 接受A企业作为资本投入的材料一批,并由此享有本企业3月初所有者权益(60 000 000元)的1%,双方确认该批材料价值560 000元;适用17%的增值税税率,计税价格为600 000元,已获取相应的增值税发票。
(2) 在建工程领用库存商品一批。该批库存商品成本10 000元,按计税价格12 000元计算的增值税为2 040元。
(3) 以库存商品向股东支付股利。该批库存商品成本2 000 000元,按计税价格2 400 000元计算的增值税为408 000元。
(4) 材料盘亏2 000元,转出增值税340元;经查明属于非常损失。
(5) 本月交纳上月、本月的增值税分别为20 000元和320 000元。
(1) 根据上述资料编制会计分录(“应交税金”科目须列出二级明细科目及专栏);
(2) 计算本月应交的增值税额;
(3) 计算月末应交未交或多交的增值税额并予结转;
(4) 指明“应交税金”账户在2004年4月初的余额。


(1) ①借:原材料 560 000
应交税金——应交增值税(进项税额) 102 000
贷:实收资本——A企业 600 000
资本公积——资本溢价 62 000
②借:在建工程 12 040
贷:库存商品 10 000
应交税金——应交增值税(销项税额) 2 040
③借:应付股利 2 408 000
贷:主营业务收 2 000 000
应交税金——应交增值税(销项税额) 408 000
借:主营业务成本 2 000 000
贷:库存商品 2 000 000
④借:待处理财产损溢——待处理流动资产损溢 2 340
贷:原材料 2 000
应交税金——应交增值税(进项税额转出) 340
借:营业外支出——非常损失 2 340
贷:待处理财产损溢——待处理流动资产损溢 2 340
⑤借:应交税金——未交增值税 20 000
应交税金——应交增值税(已交税金) 320 000
贷:银行存款 340 000
(2) 本月应交的增值税额=-102 000+2 040+408 000+340=308 380(元)
(3) ①月末多交的增值税额=320 000-308 380=11 620(元)
②借:应交税金——未交增值税 11 620
贷:应交税金——应交增值税(转出多交增值税) 11 620
(4) “应交税金”账户在2004年4月初的借方余额为11 620元。


Government officials reported three new cases of mad cow, bringing the total so far this year to 99. Last year, France recorded just 31 cases of the mad cow disease. The rising numbers are in part (1) a new testing program that focuses on cows that are most (2) . That program has (3) 39 cases. But still 60 new cases were identified in the usual way, (4) were found in 1999. Many scientists (5) that this year, five years after safety precautions were (6) , the number of cases would be (7) .

The rise in cases has (8) some scientists to question whether the disease can be transmitted in ways not yet understood. Scientists are still (9) the disease, first recognized in cows in 1986.

It appears that it is not caused by a bacteria, virus or fungus, but (10) infectious particles called prion, perhaps (11) a virus or other agent. The disease kills cells in the brain, (12) it spongy and full of holes.

France has taken more steps to (13) safety than most European countries, (14) refusing to take English beef (15) the European Union. But some scientists believe that France has not been (16) in imposing the ban on feed that (17) animal pans.

Some French officials hope that the sudden interest in mad cow disease will mean that French consumers will become educated about it, thereby recognizing that French beef is actually (18) controlled. Every cow is given a passport at birth, and extensive information about its parentage and (19) it was raised must be (20) to any slaughterhouse. When a diseased animal is found, the entire herd is destroyed.


A.disappointed at

B.puzzled by

C.amazed at

D.critical of