问题 单项选择题

Deflation is an economic theory relating changes in the price levels to changes in the quantity of money. In its developed (1) , it constitutes an analysis of the (2) underlying inflation and deflation. As (3) by the English philosopher John Locke in the 17th century, the Scottish (4) David Hume in the 18th century, and (5) , it was a weapon (6) the mercantilists, who were thought to equate wealth with money. If the (7) of money by a nation merely raised (8) , argued the quantity theorists, then a "favourable" balance of trade, (9) desired by mercantilists, would increase the supply of money but would not in-crease (10) . In the 19th century the quantity theory (11) to the ascendancy of free trade over protectionism. In the 19th and 20th centuries it played a part in the (12) of business cycles and in the theory of foreign (13) rates.

The (14) theory came under attack during the 1930s, (15) monetary expansion seemed ineffective in combating deflation. Economists argued that the levels of investment and government spending were more important than the money supply in determining economic activity.

The tide of opinion (16) again in the 1960s, when experience (17) post-World WarⅡ inflation and new empirical (18) of money and prices— (19) A Monetary History of the United States (1963) by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz—restored much of the quantity theory’ s lost prestige. One implication of this theory is that the size of the stock of money must be considered when shaping governmental policies (20) to control prices and maintain full employment.









[解题思路] 本题考核的知识点是:名词辨析。[A] causes意为“原因”;[B] factors意为“因素”;[C] facts意为“事实”;[D] parts意为“部分”。根据修饰成分underlying inflation and deflation,可以首先排除选项[C]和[D];同时,根据上下文分析,文章并没有探讨产生deflation的原因,而是探讨价格和货币量的关系,而二者是产生deflation的因素,所以正确选项为[B]。



  材料一 近代中国历史发展的路径或者方向不是一成不变的。在一定历史条件下,历史可能循着某种路径发展,历史条件改变了,发展的路径也可能改变,这就是历史发展的转折。洋务新政(洋务运动)的兴起是近代中国历史发展的一次重要转折。它虽然没有使资本主义的意识形态、生产方式成为中国社会 的主流,但却为此后改良派、革命派成长提供了基础。

  材料二 近代中国历史的前期(晚清时期),其基本特征是“沉沦”,从一个完全的独立国家变为半殖民地的国家;近代中国历史的后期(民国时期),其基本特征是“上升”,进一步发展成一个半封建半资本主义的国家。在“沉沦” 和“上升”中间有一个过渡期(1901年到1920年),既是“沉沦”的谷底时期,也是“上升”的起始时期,是“沉沦”到“上升”的转折期。















