问题 单项选择题

截至2008年底,全国共有各类民政登记管理单位119.7万个,其中:各级民政行政机关3500个,民政事业单位6.8万个,社会组织41.4万个,基层群众自治组织68.8万个,社会福利企业2.4万个。 2008年各类民政登记管理单位固定资产总值为4592.6亿元,比上年增加15.6%,其中:民政行政机关132.9亿元,比上年增加0.1%;民政事业单位774亿元,比上年增长17.8%;社会组织805.8亿元,比上年增长18.2%;基层群众自治组织1467.3亿元,比上年增长19.9%;社会福利企业1412.7亿元,比上年增长10.6%。 民政事业基本建设2008年完成投资总额66.6亿元,比上年增长39.6%,其中:国家投资26.6亿元,比上年增长83.4%,施工项目3906个,其中:用于优抚安置事业单位投资9.6亿元,比上年增长88.2%;社区服务单位投资5.2亿元,比上年增长52.9%;收养性单位投资30.4亿元,比上年增长33.9%;殡仪服务单位投资11.4亿元,比上年增长21.3%;救助类单位投资2.6亿元,比上年增长100%;其他事业单位投资7.5亿元,比上年增长27.1%。












I was standing in the kitchen helping with dinner, asking my mom about my brother's doctor ' s  appointment. They  were  testing  him for  autism(自闭症 ) .  My  brother, Captain, four  years old at the time, had always been my best friend. We would wrestle, play games and have the best of times together, even though we were far apart in age. My mom told me about the appointment, but ,when she got to the point about the test, she  stopped. I turned around  and  she had tears  in her eyes. I  stared  at her, wishing she would say  something , when  I realized what that  silence meant. My eyes  got blurry (模糊的 )  and  my  breathing  got  very  ragged.  " The  test was positive , sweetheart , "  she said. I broke down, crying.

My mom was trying to cool me down, saying that Captain couldn't see me like this and I had to be a big girl , when the front door opened, and Captain, our three-year-old sister Cali, and  my father came in. I walked out of the kitchen. I couldn't look at him. Everything had just  changed. He was no longer that little baby brother who was just a normal little boy.

We had to move a while later because Captain needed treatment. One day ,I was standing  in the bus line waiting when the " short bus"  came and picked some kids up. The children in  the other line started making jokes about the " retards(智力迟钝者) "  on that bus and I felt a  strange feeling in my stomach, ,which I had never felt before.

During a band class, my teacher, Mrs. Young, stopped our playing to give us some feed-  back. " Guys ,we ' re playing like the kids on the short bus !  Come on!"  I felt that same feeling I had in the bus line. The entire room was laughing when I raised my hand.  " Yes , Alexis?"  Mrs. Young asked. "I don't think we should make fun of the short bus, because there are a lot of people on  that bus who have great personalities and have the same feelings as we do. And also ,I know  some people on those buses and they are some of the most caring, sweetest, and smartest people , so I would appreciate it if you didn't make fun of them. "

Everyone stared at me. Mrs. Young apologized for the comment and then started the song again.

小题1: What did Alexis think her mother' s silence mean in Paragraph One?

A.There was no chance for Alexis to play games with Captain.

B.Captain was likely to miss the appointment.

C.Captain really suffered from autism.

D.Alexis had to prepare dinner quickly.小题2: Why did Alexis go out of the kitchen?

A.Because she didn't want to help with dinner.

B.Because she would be much sadder looking at Captain.

C.Because she wanted to play with Captain outside.

D.Because she wasn't willing to meet a sick brother.小题3:What Alexis said to her teacher can be seen as a kind of         .




D.condemnation小题4: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Speaking up.

B.Giving up.

C.Looking .up.

D.Taking up.
