What is the race of the baby a. Asian. b. Jewish. c. American. d. Not sure yet.
解析:[听力原文]A yellow daffodil with a prayer pined to a pink and blue ribbon, lies next to a fire hydrant where a newborn baby boy was found dead this afternoon. "We know that, this child is a newborn. It’s a male. And we’re not quite sure of the race. But we know that according to the office that it has been dead for about ten hours. And so at some point we think during the night, somebody came threw and dropped that bag on the side of the road. Sandy Springs police say at about 4:30 today, a boy walking to a friend’s house in a done what he townhome complex, saw a blue gym bag lying on the ground. Out of curiosity, he opened the bag, and found a dead baby boy inside. The boy brought the bag to his parents who then called 911. "What we are trying to do is we are trying to find out through canvassing we’ve been through the apartments in the townhomes here. And with canvassing and distribute flyers. We need to find out who the mother of this child is."[难点] 此题很具疑惑性。具体答案并没有在文章中明确出现,而考生往往不喜欢选“not sure yet”等此类选项,所以,考生很有可能在这类题目中丢分。