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解析: 项目管理必须着眼于整体及系统各部分之间的相互作用。项目整体管理包括确保项目各要素相互协调所需要的过程。它牵涉到在竞争目标和方案选择中做出平衡,以满足或超出项目干系人的需求和期望。项目整体管理要做的工作包括:①制定项目章程;②制定项目范围说明书(初步);③制订项目管理计划;④指导和管理项目执行;⑤监督和控制项目工作;⑥整体变更控制;⑦项目收尾等。
(1) 没有仔细分析项目的干系人。一览公司分管办公事务的吴总是项H的中间力量,他一方面考虑到OA管理的方便性,另一方面还总是想到自己作为集团领导在OA管理方面的特权。此外,他还有OA管理信息系统项目的否决权,有可能从项目的中间力量演变为项目的反对者。
(2) 项目缺乏一览公司信息技术部门的支持。这种情况在项目合同的甲方比较常见,信息技术部门往往地位不高,办公室是管理部门,在公开招投标时不一定知会了信息部门。但IT项目在开发过程中,特别是技术方案把关、项目验收、上线及后期的运行、维护管理工作都需要甲方信息技术部门的大力支持。
(3) 项目计划沟通不够。老陈的团队技术力量雄厚,但在与项目干系人的沟通上做得不够,连一览公司分管OA管理的吴总都认为提前完工是不可能的,说明没有及早地与吴总在项目的大方向和约束上商量,也没有将项目计划告知于吴总。
(4) 项目组承担的责任过重。在项目的实施阶段主要还是得靠甲方的工作人员。在开发完工后的系统实施阶段,推广工作应当以一览公司办公室与信息技术部门为主导,老陈的团队作为辅助,因为老陈的团队对一览公司的工作人员不具备号召力,更不用说变更OA管理的业务流程了。





Events took place around the world last week to celebrate International Women’s Day.

The March eighth observance came as thousands of delegates from one hundred thirty countries met at the United Nations in New York. They discussed progress on a plan of action for women's equality. The document was approved ten years ago at a conference in Beijing.

It calls for improved health care for women, along with economic and political gains. It also calls for efforts to reduce human rights violations against women.

In Asia last Tuesday, there were demonstrations against unfair treatment of women.

In Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held a Conference of Women Leaders. Laura Bush, the president's wife, spoke at the event which had representatives from fifteen Muslim nations. The first lady praised recent political gains for Muslim women.

In Afghanistan, for example, President Hamid Karzai has appointed the first female governor of a province. In Iraq, women hold almost one-third of the 249 seats in the newly elected National Assembly. And Missus Bush noted that nearly half the voters in the Palestinian presidential election were women.

International Women’s Day began in nineteen ten in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was designed to build support for voting rights for women worldwide. Missus Bush noted that it took American women many years to be recognized as full citizens with the right to vote.

Last week, just before International Women Day's, hundreds of women and men demonstrated in Kuwait to demand the right for women to vote. The government urged parliament to act quickly to debate such reforms.

Also last Monday, Human Rights Watch released a report on sexual violence by soldiers and members of armed groups in eastern Congo. The New York-based group says tens of thousands of women and young girls have been raped and beaten. Yet it says almost all the crimes have gone without punishment.

51.According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. The document on women’s equality has not been approved yet.

B. Muslim women’s rights have been improved.

C. Palestinian women are totally equal now.

D. Kuwait women urged government to reform.

52. About how many women have been elected into National Assembly?

A. 166      B. 83        C. 249        D. 124

53. You can most probably read the text in ________.

A. a textbook    B. a magazine    C. a newspaper    D. a biology book

54. What’s the best title of the text?

A. International Women’s Day

B. Women’s equal rights

C. How to ensure women’s equal rights

D. How do people celebrate International Women’s Day