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Throughout the world, clothing has many uses. It is used to provide protection from the elements. It is also worn to prevent others from seeing specific parts of one's body. However, the parts of the body that must be covered vary widely throughout the world. Some clothing is worn to

provide supernatural protection. Wearing a lucky shirt to take an exam is calling for supernatural assistance.

People in all cultures use clothing and other forms of bodily decoration to communicate status,intentions and other messages. In North America, we dress differently for business and various leisure activities. North American women usually are much more knowledgeable of and concerned

With little difference in messages communicated by clothes than men. At times, this leads to silly mistakes of interpretation(解释) of female intentions on the part of men. Of course. clothing styles also are intended to communicate messages to members of the same gender(性别).

Long before we are near enouth to talk to someone, their appearance tells their gender, age,economic class. and often even intentions. We begin to recognize the important cultural clues at an early age. The vocabulary of dress that we learn includes not only items of clothing but also

hairstyles, jewelry, and other body decoration. In most cultures, however, the same style of dress communicates different messages depending on the age, gender. and physical appearance of the individual wearing it.

Putting on certain types of clothing can change your behavior and the behavior of others towards you. This can be the case with a doctor's white lab coat, or an army uniform. Most uniforms are clearly symbolic so that they can rapidly and unmistakably communicate status. For instance. the

strange hairstyle and clothing of the English "punks" are essential aspects of their uniforms.

There are many forms of body decoration other than clothes that are used around the world to send messages. These include body and hair paint, and even body deformation. When doctors put braces on teeth, they are actually doing the same thing - deforming or reforming a part of the body

to make it more attractive.

49. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Clothing and Culture          B. Communication through Clothing

C. Clothing and Social Behavior  D. Ways of Sending Messages

50. In North America men sometimes misunderstand women's intention because

A. men are more careless than women

B. women spend more time on their clothes

C. men and women have different views on clothing styles

D. men care less about the different messages communicated by clothes

51. From the passage. it can be inferred that__________

A. messages communicated by clothes are the same in different cultures

B. words of dress are not enough to communicate different messages

C. dress is better than language in communicating messages

D. clothing plays an important role in social activities

52. What does the underlined word "essential" mean in this passage?

A. beautiful       B. necessary      C. unimportant     D. Common