问题 单项选择题

Few people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not heard. Freud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since. The child’s happiness is all-important, the psychologists say, but what about the parents’ happiness Parents suffer continually from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart. A good "old-fashioned" spanking is out of the question: no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout. Who knows what deep psychological wounds you might inflict The poor child may never recover from the dreadful traumatic experience. So it is that parents bend over backwards to avoid giving their children complexes which a hundred years ago hadn’t even been heard of. Certainly a child needs love, and a lot of it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good.
Psychologists have succeeded in undermining parents’ confidence in their own authority. And it hasn’t taken children long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classics on childcare, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don’t know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents’ lives are regulated according to the needs of heir offspring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take complete control. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion against parents all the more violent. If the young people are going to have a party, for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do but obey’
Children are hardy creatures (far hardier than the psychologists would have us believe) and most of them survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. But a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny can look after himself, is not at home when he returns from school, so little Johnny roams the streets. The dividing-line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine ’indeed.
The psychologists have much to answer for. They should keep their mouths shut and let parents get on with the job. And if children are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not really matter too much. At least this will help them to develop vigorous views of their own and give them something positive to react against. Perhaps there’s some truth in the idea that children who have had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood appear like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life.

From the last paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that children who enjoy all-important happiness will______

A. soon gain independence from their negligent parents.
B. stay away from the influence of juvenile delinquency.
C. avoid being given uncertain psychological complexes.
D. grow up to be more immature and irresponsible adults.




       这是河北省境内的一个极偏僻的小山村。没有公路,没有电话,没有电视,甚至连照明灯都刚刚接上不久。村民们只依靠山 上零散的几颗枣树勉强维持着生存。这里的孩子,不要说读书, 即使是温饱,亦是极难(保障  保证)的。
       我们是县计生局派来的“关爱女孩”工作组。这次活动的宗旨是(爱护  维护)女童的合法权益。跟我们一起来的,还有县电视台的记者和摄影师。
       女孩今年12岁。与贫穷的乡邻相比,她的人生较他们更为痛苦及不幸。她4岁时,父亲患了肺病。本就裹在贫穷中的家, 更深地淹没在灰暗里。由于无钱医治,父亲半年后咽了气。没有 了父亲的日子更艰难,母亲被痛苦浸得越发抑郁,一年后的某个冬天,她终于丢下仅仅5岁的她,用一瓶农药终结了自己的生命。
       她的亲人,只剩下年迈的奶奶。65岁的老人和一个只有5岁的孩子,日子的艰辛不言而喻。小小的她很快学会了做饭,打柴, 洗衣。在màn wú biān jì(                )的贫困与劳作中,她一天天长大了。
       看着面前一摞摞崭新的书本,女孩清澈的眼神里shǎn shuò (           )着希望的光。“阿姨,这些书本都是给我的吗?”她小心翼翼地抚摸着书本,语气中有些怀疑。
       立刻,càn làn(            )的笑如菊花般盛开在她的脸上。这时电视台的小张拿着话筒走过来,让她捧着那些书说些感激的话后面,摄影师小罗已经摆好了架势。
       她用袖子抹了下眼睛,哽咽道:“阿姨,我不想上电视,我不想 让所有的人都记住自己是个贫穷的孩子。别让他们拍我好吗? 我一定好好学习,以后,我要考上大学,走出山去。我保证,我不会贫穷一辈子。”她解释着,小脸急得通红。 
      我将书本放到她的手里说   孩子   回家   吧好好读书   你的心愿一定会实现   她笑了  眼睛弯成了月牙儿  我知道  此刻她的内心   已有向上的力量  
      终结——(          )           疼惜——(          ) 
5.这个故事,真实地记录了一个孩子面对灾难的信心,也记录了 一个志愿者的感悟。孩子让我们感动的
     不仅仅是坚强,还有做人的                      。透过志愿者的眼睛,我们重新认识了                      。也许
     人们习惯了宣传,习惯了炒作,但是真正感动我们的除了帮助,还有一份生命的                     。孩子