问题 单项选择题

When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money. He may (1) the repayment of the money at any time, either (2) cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person. (3) , the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor who is (4) depending on whether the customer’s account is (5) credit or is overdrawn. But, in (6) to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer (7) a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give (8) to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is (9) against him.

The bank must (10) its customer’s instructions, and not those of anyone else. (11) , for example, a customer opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in (12) of checks drawn by himself. He gives the bank (13) of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or (14) to pay out a customer’s money (15) a check on which its customer’s signature has been (16) It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very (17) one: the bank must recognize its customer’s signature. For this reason there is no (18) to the customer in the practice, (19) by banks, of printing the customer’s name on his checks. If this (20) Forgery, it is the bank that will lose, not the customer. (254 words)









[注释] 词义结构搭配。obey one’s instructions服从某人的指令。conform to符合,遵守,例如:All students must conform to the rules.(全体学生都必须遵守这些规则)。conform with符合,例如:The design conforms with the regulations.

注意:conform to较常用;只偶尔用conform with。comply with照……办;遵守,例如:1) People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.2)He knows the regulations,and if he refuses to comply with them he must take the consequences.abide by遵守,服从,例如:1)We agreed to abide by your judgment.2)She will abide by her promise.3)abide by承受,例如:You will have to abide by the consequences.


施工单位(乙方)与某业主签订了某些工程的软基处理工程和土方开挖工程,由于工程量无法准确确定,按施工合同规定,按施工图预算计价。乙方必须严格按照施工图及施工合同规定的内容和技术要求施工。工程量由监理工程师负责计量。根据该工程合同特点,负责计量的工程师提出工程量计量与工程款支付程序的要点如下: (1)乙方对已完工的分项工程在7天内向监理工程师申请质量认可,取得质量认可后,向负责计量的工程师提交计量申请报告; (2)负责计量支付的工程师在收到报告后7天核实已完成工程量,并在开始计量前 24h通知乙方,乙方为计量提供便利条件,并派人参加。乙方如不参加计量,负责计量的工程师按照规定的计量方法自行计量,计量结果有效。计量结束后,负责计量支付的工程师签发计量证书。 (3)乙方凭质量认可和计量认可书向负责计量支付的工程师提出付款申请。负责计量支付的工程师在收到计量申请报告后7天内进行计量,报告中的工程量从第8天起自动生效。直接作为工程价款支付的依据。 (4)负责计量支付的工程师审核申报材料,确定支付款额,向甲方提供付款证明。 (5)甲方根据乙方提供的付款证明,对工程价款进行支付结算。 工程开工前,乙方提交了施工组织设计并得到批准。 问题:(1)在工程施工过程中,当进行到施工图所规定的处理范围边缘时,乙方在取得现场监理工程师认可的情况下,为了使处理质量得到保证,将处理范围适当扩大。施工完成后,乙方将扩大范围内的施工工程量向负责计量支付的工程师提出计量付款的要求,但遭拒绝,试问,拒绝承包商的要求是否合理为什么 (2)在工程施工过程中,乙方按监理工程师指示就部分工程进行了变更施工,试问变更部分合同价款应根据什么原则确定 (3)在开挖土方过程中,有两项重大原因使工期产生较大拖延,一是由业主原因造成工期延误;另一是土方开挖时遇到数天季节性大雨,由于雨后土壤含水量过大,不能进行压实施工,从而耽误了工期;随后,乙方按照索赔程序提出延长工期,并补偿停工期间窝工损失要求,试问监理工程师是否应该受理这两起索赔事件为什么