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解析:剩余地址还有64个,剩余地址段是192.168.36.192~。根据第一问得出的结论,我们可以知道,其中用了3位来做子网号,那么应该可以分配成8个子网,其中每个子网中有32个IP地址,从题目中我们可以知道,希赛公司有6个部门,其中每个部门分配一个子网,那么总共用去6个子网,还剩下两个子网,因此,在给6个部门分配完地址后,还剩余的地址数为2×32=64。 题目中告诉我们,假设地址是从192.168.36.0开始分配,那么总共分配掉的IP地址个数为6×32=192个,由于地址分配是从0开始的,那么分配192个地址后,下一个再分配的地址就应该从192开始,因此剩余地址段为192.168.36.192~。


A new study finds that blacks on death row (1) of killing whites are more likely to be executed than whites who kill minorities. It also concludes that blacks who kill (2) minorities are (3) likely to be executed than blacks who kill whites. For example, there is more than a twofold greater risk that an African-American who killed a white will be executed than a white person who kills a (4) victim. A Hispanic is at least 1.4 (5) more likely to be executed (6) such an offender kills a white.

The researchers of the study believe that there are two (7) explanations.. First, prosecutors often win (8) office if they win well-publicized cases. When a black kills a white, such killings gets more (9) and this idea can be (10) by many famous cases. (11) , the court judges at the state level are often (12) to elections, called retention elections. Retention election or judicial retention within the United States court system, is a periodic process, in which the voter (13) approval or disapproval for the judges presently (14) their position, and a judge can be removed from the position if the (15) of the citizens vote him or her out. Just as the researchers (16) out, death penalty is (17) political.

The findings of the study, in short, show that American justice systems clearly (18) white lives more than those of blacks or Hispanics. The researchers also say their findings (19) serious doubts about (20) that the U.S. criminal justice system is colorblind.




