Most Chinese people don't understand why some westerners
don't eat meat. In China, to eat meat is a sign of wealth. If a
westerner doesn't take a bite of their Peking duck, there is
something wrong. But many people in Europe and America choose
not to eat meat or fish - they are known as vegetarians. In the US
alone there are 12 million vegetarians and 19,000 more people
stop eating meat every week.
People often become vegetarians in order to lose weight or eat
more healthily.A lot of research has shown that vegetarian diets
are healthier than the average western diet. Fried chicken may be
delicious to eat, but all that extra fat can damage your heart.
There are many other reasons for "turning veggie". It could
be that you cannot afford to buy meat. Or maybe you just don't
like the taste of it.
A large number of vegetarians choose to give up meat because
they believe it is cruel to kill animals for food. They believe many
animals are not allowed to live in comfort and, when they are
killed, it is carried out in a very painful way.
While some vegetarians are happy not to eat animals, others
take it one step further and refuse to eat any animal product. They
are known as vegetarians and will not eat cheese, yogurt (酸奶)
and eggs, or drink milk. Neither will they wear clothes or shoes
made from animal skin, such as leather. They say that if it is
wrong to kill an animal for food, it is worse to kill it for clothing.
But there are some groups that go even further. Fruitarians
believe it is wrong to kill any living plant or animal. Besides____
____, they will only eat fruit and vegetables that have not
been killed when harvested. This means they cannot take an apple
from a tree: they must wait until the apple falls to the ground.
Only then can it be considered dead.
1. What's the best title of the passage?( Please answer within 10words.)
2. Please give four reasons why people don't eat meat.( Pleaseanswer within 30 words.)
3. Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph to complete thesentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)
4. Do you like meat? Why?( Please answer within 20 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph intoChinese.