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第四篇 女士们、先生们、朋友们! 一个音符无法表达出优美的旋律,一种颜色难以描绘出多彩的画卷。世界是一座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂,各国人民创造的独特文化都是这座殿堂里的瑰宝。一个民族的文化,往往凝聚着这个民族对世界和生命的历史认知和现实感受,也往往积淀着这个民族最深层的精神追求和行为准则。人类历史发展的过程,就是各种文明不断交流、融合、创新的过程。人类历史上各种文明都以各自的独特方式为人类进步做出了贡献。// 文明多样性是人类社会的客观现实,是当今世界的基本特征,也是人类进步的重要动力。历史经验表明,在人类文明交流的过程中,不仅需要克服自然的屏障和隔阂,而且需要超越思想的障碍和束缚,更需要克服形形色色的偏见和误解。//意识形态、社会制度、发展模式的差异不应成为人类文明交流的障碍,更不能成为相互对抗的理由、我们应该积极维护世界多样性,推动不同文明的对话和交融,相互借鉴而不是相互排斥,使人类更加和睦幸福,让世界更加丰富多彩。// 女士们、先生们、朋友们! 文化、教育和青年交流是中美两国人民增进相互了解和友谊的重要桥梁,也是推动中美关系健康稳定发展的重要力量。耶鲁大学是中美教育合作的先行者和文化交流的重要平台156年前,一位名叫容闳的中国青年走进了耶鲁大学校园,四年后他以优异的成绩获得了文学士学位,成为毕业于美国大学的第一个中国留学生。此后,一批又一批中国青年来到耶鲁大学求学。// 近20年来,耶鲁大学吸引了4000多名中国留学人员,同中国文化界、科技界、教育界的合作项目超过80个。去年夏天,耶鲁大学派遣首批学生到中国实习,其中一些人成为中国故宫博物院的第一批外国实习生。借此机会,我对莱文校长和耶鲁大学为增进中关两国人民的交流所做的积极努力表示赞赏。// 为增进中美两国青年以及教育界的相互了解,我高兴地宣布,中方决定邀请100名耶鲁大学师生今年夏天访问中国。我相信,你们的访问将是一次十分愉快的经历。// 女士们、先生们、朋友们! “长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人。”青年人是世界的希望和未来,青年人有着蓬勃向上的生命活力和无穷的创造力。我衷心希望,中美两国青年携起手来,以实际行动促进中美两国人民友好,同世界各国人民一道,共创世界美好的明天。// (选自国家 * * 胡 * * 2006年4月21日在美国耶鲁大学的演讲)



解析:Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, A composer cannot write enchanting melody with one note, and a painter cannot paint landscape with only one color. The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed. The culture of a nation tells a lot about the evolution of the nation’s understanding of the world and life, both past and present. Culture thus embodies a nation’s fundamental pursuit of mind and dictates its norms of behavior. The historical process of human development is one in which different civilizations interact with and enrich each other and all civilizations in human history have contributed to human progress in their own unique way. // Cultural diversity is a basic feature of both human society and today’s world and an important driving force for human progress. As history has shown, in the course of interactions between civilizations, we not only need to remove natural barriers and overcome physical isolation, but also need to remove obstacles and obstructions of the mind and overcome various prejudices and misunderstandings. // Differences in ideology, social system and development model should not stand in the way of exchanges among civilizations, still less should they become excuses for mutual confrontation. We should uphold the diversity of the world, enhance dialogue and interaction between civilizations, and draw on each other’s strength instead of practicing mutual exclusion. When this is done, mankind will enjoy greater harmony and happiness and the world will become a more colorful place to live in. // Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, Exchanges in culture and education and among young people serve as a bridge for increasing mutual understanding between our two peoples. They are also a major driving force for the healthy and stable growth of China-US relations. Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-US educational exchanges and provides an important platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries. One hundred and fifty-six years ago, a Chinese young man named Rong Hong entered Yale Campus. Four years later, he graduated with distinction and received a Bachelor of Arts degree, making him the first ever Chinese graduate of an American university. Later, group after group of young Chinese followed his footsteps and studied in Yale. // Over the past 20 years, Yale has accepted over 4,000 Chinese students and undertaken more than 80 cooperation projects in culture, science and technology, and education with China. Last summer, Yale sent the first group of students to China for internships and some among them became the first foreign interns to work with China’s Palace Museum. I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Levin, and Yale for the efforts you have made to promote exchanges between our two peoples. // To enhance mutual understanding between young people and educators of the two countries, I announce with pleasure here that we have decided to invite 100 Yale faculty members and students to visit China this summer. I’m sure you can look forward to an enjoyable experience in China. // Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, As an old Chinese saying goes: "As in the Yangtze River where the waves behind drive on those before, so a new generation always excels the last one. " Young people represent the hope and future of the world. They are full of vitality, new ideas and creativity. I sincerely hope that the young people in China and the United States will join hands and work to enhance friendship between our two peoples, and, together with people of other countries, create a better world for all. // (Excerpts from the speech delivered by President Hu Jintao at Yale Univesity on April 21, 2006)
