问题 问答题

Passage 1 Changes in educational approaches, beliefs and practices come faster today than most teachers, parents and children can begin to assimilate. Speedy results are seen as politically necessary. When new approaches are not successful immediately, they are abandoned in favor of even newer ones. // In repeated and accelerated cycles of change it is the children who suffer. Hurried through the school day and through the grade levels, they are left with little time to reflect on what they are learning or where their lives are beaded. Our schools tend to be fact factories, cramming more into every minute of every hour of every day. There always seems to be more curriculum to cover and more tests to take—but never any time added to the day. Children and teachers are left gasping for air. // We must stop hurrying children and give them adequate time for learning. We need more clarity, more planning and less impulsive implementation of "the latest best thing." There is an urgent need in our schools for increased accountability and more focused attention on basic skills. But that very urgency must not lead us to rush. The pace of change must be reasonable and related to the right pace for children’s learning. // True learning requires time: time to wonder, time to share and time to pay attention to what is most important. To hurry through classes and a predetermined timetable of achievements is contrary to the nature of children and will do irreparable damage to their minds and souls. School comes from the Greek word scholé which translates literally as "leisure." Consider how far we’ve moved from our educational roots! //



解析:当今,教育政策、理念和方法变换得越来越快,远超出大部分老师、父母和学生所能接受的速度。从政治上讲,教育政策必须即刻产生效果,一旦新的教育政策没有立即见效,它们就会遭到摒弃,由更新的措施来代替。// 在这种不断反复而且步调越来越快的变革循环中,受害的是孩子们。他们每天匆匆地赶着去上课,忙着应付升级考试,而很少有时间考虑他们所学的知识,以及他们的人生将何去何从。我们的学校就像是知识工厂,拼命地往每一天里的每一个小时、每一分钟里塞入更多东西。似乎总有学不完的课,考不完的试——但每一天的时间并没有增多。孩子们和老师们被逼得喘不过气来。// 我们必须停止催促孩子们,给他们以足够的时问来学习..我们需要更明确的方向、更多的计划,少一点冲动去贯彻“最新的任务”。我们的学校迫切需要负起更多的责任、将更多的注意力放在基础技能上然而,我们不应当因为这个迫切性就仓促行事,变革的步调必须合理,而且要与学生们正确的学习步骤扣配合。// 真正的学习需要时间:需要时间来思索,需要时间来分享,需要时间去关注最为重要的内容。如果让学生匆匆完成课业并按事先制订好的成绩时间表进行学习,这不仅与孩子们的天性背道而驰,而且会对他们的心智造成不可弥补的伤害。“学校”这个词,源于希腊字scholè,其字面意思是“闲暇”。想想看,我们已经在多大程度上背离了教育的本意!//
