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Passage 2 For the past two decades, I have worked in consultation with administrators and teachers in hundreds of schools that are committed to school-wide reform. Using an approach known as the Responsive Classroom model, these schools are working to improve the quality of education by making significant changes in the way time is structured and used. This model allows more time for relationships, in-depth research, inquiry and reflection. Schools commit a minimum of three years to implement the Responsive Classroom model. Below are some of the key systemic changes that this model advocates. // 1.Allow time for in-depth learning, investigation and contemplation by narrowing the scope of the curriculum and lengthening time blocks. The answer to meeting each day’s curriculum expectations is found in a paradox. We must consider smaller topics for longer periods of time in order to accomplish more. This can be clearly seen at the middle school level, where recent research findings have made it evident that block scheduling, small classes and "advisory" periods improve student behavior and academic performance. // 2.Begin the school year slowly: Encourage teachers to take time to set clear social and academic expectations and to establish an atmosphere of trust. Instruction cannot be delivered in classrooms where children are unfocused, inattentive and struggling with one another. Teachers must know how to create a trustworthy space for learning before learning can occur. //During the first six weeks, teachers set goals, generate rules with students and guide students’ discoveries of new materials, equipment and supplies. They take time to build trust so students will take risks, ask questions and state their ideas. In the long run both teachers and students gain time by taking time. Discipline problems are fewer and less time-consuming than in classrooms where the social expectations are not clear. Children better understand academic expectations, and academic outcomes improve. // 3.Allow time for reflection and review throughout the year. Periods following vacations require review of social and academic expectations. Taking the time for this reexamination of basic expectations will create more time for learning. During the last six weeks of school, students should reflect on their year in order to see all they have accomplished. // 4.Adjust the schedule of the school day to change the nature and productivity of the afternoon. In the middle of the day the children need a break from the rigor of academics. Many schools use a midday schedule that gives children recess, followed by lunch and then quiet time. This break helps children to be productive and engaged in the afternoon. The idea of a quiet time after lunch may be unthinkable to many teachers, given all they believe they must fit into the day, but here, again, is a paradox of teaching and learning: Quiet time away from academic demands increases learning. // 5.Change the school schedule to allow more time for teachers, staff, administration and parents to interact with one another. Devising schedules that allow time for grade-level and team planning is an important administrative function. Administrators should schedule the first parent// teacher conference as close to the beginning of the year as possible. By asking parents what they would like their children to learn in school this year, a partnership between home and school can be created before problems have a chance to arise. Teachers also can use this conference to share goals, learn about their students and share their expectations. // If we truly wish to transform our schools into challenging, exciting and secure places, we need an education system that is dedicated, from top to bottom, to giving teachers more time to teach and children more time to learn. //



解析:在过去的二十年里,我曾与上百个学校的致力于全校性改革的行政人员和教师们协商共事。这些学校采用了一种名为“反应式教室”的模式,在时间的安排和利用上做了大幅变动,以此来提高教育质量。这个模式有助于学生腾出更多的时间来与人交往、进行深度研究、提出问题和思考问题。这些学校至少花了三年的时间来实施这种“反应式教室”的模式。以下是这个教育模式所倡导的一些关键的系统性变革。// 1.缩小课程范围并加长课程时间,以便有时间进行深度的学习、探究和思考。如何完成每日课程预期的进度,答案似乎很矛盾。我们必须考虑用更长的时间来进行较小规模的议题,以取得更好的效果。这一点在中学课程中能明显观察到;而最近的研究成果清楚地表明,加长课时、实行小班制授课以及安排“咨询”时间,能改善学生的行为,提高他们的学业成绩。// 2.从容开始新学年:鼓励老师花时间来明确对学生的社交和学业预期,并建立一种信任的氛围。如果孩子们在教室里注意力不集中、漫不经心并且相互捣乱,那么教学是无法顺利进行的。在学习开始之前,教师们必须知道如何为学习创造一个互信的空间。//在最初的六个星期里,教师们设立目标,立下规矩,指导学生探索新的教材、设备以及学习用品。他们花时间与学生建立互信,这样学生们敢于提出疑问并发表见解。从长远看,教师和学生因为从容而争取到更多时间。与那些没有明确社交预期的班级相比,这么做班里的纪律问题不但减少了,而且花费的时间也减少了。学生们更好地了解了自己的学业预期,学习成绩也大有提高。// 3.在整个学年中,都要给学生留出思考和复习的时间。新开学的一段时间内需要回顾对社交和学业的预期。花时间来重新审视这些基本预期,就能创造出更多的学习时问。在学期的最后六个星期,学生们应该回顾一年来的所学,以便验收成果。// 4.调整课时以改变午后的习惯,提高午后的学习效率。中午时分,学生们需要从紧张的学习中抽身并喘口气。许多学校利用中午时分让孩子们休息,接着便是午餐和安静的时间。这个午休有助于孩子们在下午提高效率,投入学习。对许多老师来说,由于他们认为一天的学习任务过多,午餐之后的安静也许难以想象;但这又是一个教与学的悖论:紧迫学习之后的片刻安静能增进学习效果。// 5.改变学校作息时间,以便让教师、职工、行政人员和家长有更多互动的时间。安排时间以进行年级和团队计划,是一项至关重要的行政行为。行政人员应尽量在学年一开始就安排第一个家长会。问问家长们希望孩子在这个年度中学些什么,从而在任何问题产生之前,让家庭与学校建立一种合作伙伴关系。老师们也可以利用这个家长会来共同制定目标,更好地认识自己的学生并了解他们的预期。// 如果我们真的希望将学校改变成为一个充满挑战、令人期待并且安全的场所,我们需要一个全身心投入教育体系,给予教师更多的时间授课,孩子们更多的时间学习。//

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