问题 单项选择题

The owner (buyer)of a project usually has the right to direct changes to the scope of work while the project work is being accomplished. Often, the owner will orally request a change and insist that the change be initiated immediately without the normal documentation (e. g. a change order). When the change is initiated without documentation, ______ .

A.the owner assumes all responsibility for paying for the change although the owner may at a later not want the change

B.the owner assumes responsibility for one-half the cost of the change until the documentation is completed and all at the same time

C.the project manager assumes all risk for the change, if initiated, until the documentation is received

D.the project manager assumes only the risk of misinterpreting the owner’s oral change directive, while the owner assumes responsibility for paying for the request change



解析: 项目的所有者通常有权利在项目工作完成后修改项目的范围。项目所有者经常 口头提出变更要求, 坚持变更立刻进行且不需要正式文档(例如变更通知单)。当不需文档启动变更时, ______ 。 A) 所有者需要承担全部责任, 即使后来他不再希望变更 B) 所有者应该承担变更成本的一半直至完成文档 C) 项目经理承担所有变更风险直至收到相应的文档 D) 项目经理只承担误解口头变更指示的风险, 而所有者承担要求变更的责任 如果项目所有变更不遵循变更过程,不采用书面化原则,那么所有风险都需要项目经理承担。
