问题 单项选择题

E公司在生产上急需一种原料,因供应短缺而一时无法购进。后得知F公司有部分存货暂时闲置未用,遂与F公司签订了转让合同,约定F公司在本公司仓库交付该原料, E公司以支票付款。其后,传说G公司亦需要此种原料,且.能够支付较高价款,F公司遂感到与E公司的交易吃了亏,有反悔之意。恰好此时E公司如约前来提货,未带支票,故拒绝向其发货。其后,尽管E公司带来了支票,F公司仍拒绝发货,并声明解除合同,且很快与G公司签订了转让该原料的合同。E公司遂以F公司违约为由,向F公司所在地的H法院起诉,请求责令F公司实际履行;而F公司亦以与E公司的合同内容有重大误解为由,向E公司所在地的K法院起诉,请求撤销与E公司之间的合同。请分析案例,并回答下列问题:

人民法院适用普通程序审理一审民事案件,应在( )内审结。








I got a job teaching special education at a school in Coachella, California, a desert town about 170 miles from home. It was no (1) job. Street gangs (2) around the school after dark.

"Be careful, " Dad warned me during one of my frequent weekend (3) home. He was concerned about my living (4) , but I needed to be on my own.

One evening, I stayed after school to rearrange my classroom. (5) , I turned out the light and closed the door. Then I (6) toward the gate. It was (7) ! I looked around. Everyone had gone home.

After (8) all the exits, I found just enough (9) to squeeze under a gate in the back of the school. Then I walked toward my car, parked in a field behind the building.Suddenly I heard voices. I (10) around and saw at least eight boys following me. (11) my pace, I reached into my shoulder bag to get my key. I (12) all over the inside of my handbag. But the key wasn’t (13) ! Dear Lord, please help me, I prayed (14) . Suddenly, my fingers touched a loose key in my purse. I didn’t even know if it was for my car, but I took it out and (15) it. It worked!I opened the door, slid in and locked it—just (16) the teenagers surrounded the car. Trembling , I started the engine and (17) away. When I returned to my apartment, the phone was ringing. It was my Dad. I didn’t tell him about my experience; I didn’t want to (18) him. "Oh, I forgot to tell you!" He said, "I had a (n) (19) car key made and slipped it into your purse—just (20) you ever need it.





