问题 单项选择题

An industrial economist is evaluating the supply and demand conditions for two different factors of production. Factor 1: The demand curve is derived from the resource’s marginal revenue product in the current period. Factor 2: The supply curve is perfectly inelastic and the price is determined by demand. Which of the following choices most likely identifies these two factors of productionFactor 1 Factor 2 ()①A. LaborNon-renewable resource ②B. Machinery Renewable resource ③C. Labor Renewable resource

A. ①

B. ②

C. ③




Labor produces its marginal output in the current period, when the labor is actually performed, so the demand curve is derived from the MRP of labor in the current period. With machinery, the output is generated over a number of periods, so the relevant MRP is the machine’s future MRP. The supply of a renewable resource is perfectly inelastic and demand determines the equilibrium price. With a non-renewable resource, supply is perfectly elastic and demand determines the equilibrium quantity supplied.
