(1)在特制漏斗中将铝热剂混合均匀后,引发铝热反应的操作是: ;
(2)硅与铝同周期。地壳里硅、铝的含量硅 铝(填>,<或=)。SiO2是硅酸盐玻璃(Na2CaSi6O14)主要成分,Na2CaSi6O14也可写成Na2O·CaO·6SiO2。钠长石(NaAlSi3O8)的氧化物形式 ,长石是铝硅酸盐,不同类长石其氧原子的物质的量分数相同。由此可推知钙长石的化学式为 ;
(3)某铝合金由Al、Si、Cu、Mg组成。①称取100g该铝合金样品,分成等质量的A、B两份。向A份加入足量NaOH溶液,B份加入足量的稀盐酸。②待两份反应物都充分反应之后,称得滤渣质量相差1.60g,收集得到的两份气体的体积相差2240mL(标准状况下)。则样品中Si和Mg的物质的量分别是 和 。
During the admission interview, a client reports that she frequently has nightmares and memories of a rape that occurred 3 years ago. She feels depressed and asks the nurse, "Do you think I will ever get better I don’t know what is wrong with me. " The nurse’s most supportive response would be()
A. "It sounds like you have some unresolved pain about the trauma. Take time here to talk and allow yourself to heal. "
B. "I’m not sure what is wrong, but the medication will help you soon enough. "
C. "It’s important to talk to your physician about an issue such as this. "
D. "Don’t feel bad; the treatment will help you. "