Passage 2 从目前全球经济发展看,一些重要的特点和趋势值得我们高度重视。主要是:科技进步日新月异,前所未有地提高了人们认识和把握宏观世界和微观世界的能力,为人类推动生产力发展和创造美好生活提供了强大支持,国际生产要素优化重组和产业转移加快,各国经济发展更加紧密地联系在一起,为各国实现经济合作共赢提供了有利条件。// 同时,由于历史和现实等方面的原因,世界发展不平衡的问题日益突出,许多发展中国家背负着沉重的债务负担,外部经济环境仍在恶化,南北发展差距进一步拉大,新的贸易壁垒和保护主义不断出现,多边贸易体制的发展面临困难:能源、资源消耗大幅度增长,生态破坏和环境恶化问题严重;包括地区冲突、恐怖主义在内的各种不确定、不稳定因素,威胁着世界和平与发展的进程。// 因此,可以说,人类的发展既面临难得机遇,也面临严峻挑战。在这种情形下,我们的正确选择只能是推进合作共赢,我们的共同目标只能是实现可持续发展。中国从自己的发展实践中深刻认识到:每个国家的发展都是一个持续的过程,今天的发展既是昨天发展的继续,又是明天发展的基础。//
解析:Some important features and trends in world economic development merit our close attention. They include: rapid progress in science and technology, which substantially increases man’s ability to understand and grasp the world at both the macro and micro levels and gives him a powerful support to boost production and improve well-being; quickened tempo in the optimization and reorganization of the factors of production and the industrial transfers in the global context, which results in closer economic connections among countries and more favorable conditions for their mutually beneficial cooperation.// At the same time, owing to historical and immediate causes, unevenness in worldwide development has become increasingly salient, with the heavily indebted developing countries facing a worsened external environment and the gap between the South and the North further widening. New trade barriers and protectionism are on the increase, and the world’s multilateral trading regime is experiencing difficulties. The consumption of energy and other natural resources has increased substantially, resulting in ecological imbalances and environmental degradation. Factors of uncertainty and instability, such as local conflicts and terrorism, pose increasing threat to world peace and development.// In a word, mankind is faced with both grave challenges and rare opportunities for development. Given the circumstances, the only right option for us to take is cooperation geared to a win-win result, and the only goal for us to endeavor towards is sustainable development. Our own experience with development tells us that every country must go through an evolving process that today’s development is the continuation of that of yesterday and the groundwork of that of tomorrow.//