问题 问答题



参考答案:宋代枢密院和宰相的政事堂号称“二府”。宋设“中书门下”掌握实权,但仅有民 * * ,设于内堂,称政事堂,是中央的行政机关,长官为宰相,为了限制宰相的权力,叉另设副宰相“参知政事”与宰相共同议政,使宰相不能专权。宋初把军事行 * * 从宰相的手中分出来,设立枢密院,掌握全国军事。枢密院和宰相的政事堂并立“对掌大权”,号称“二府”。枢密使和宰相的职权平等,凡军机要务,宰相无权过问。二者一文一武,互不通气,分别向皇帝奏事。皇帝利用两者之间的异同,直接控制军权和 * * 。

解析: 二府是宋朝在唐朝政事堂的基础上所作的改进,使得 * * 和军事权分离,另外又为了将财政大权从宰相手中分割出来而设置了三司:度支、户部、盐铁掌管全国的财政,长官是三司使,亦称“计相”。



小题1:Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserable. But experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds. 小题2:

Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily. 小题3: ”

The common cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most common group of which are the rhinovirus(鼻病毒) that hit the nose.

小题4:“They are transmitted through the nose respiratory(呼吸的) passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr Jain.

There is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics(抗生素) are of no help. However, there are some precautions which can help:

小题5:In this case, you can protect your hands from getting germs.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infection.

Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virus.

Make sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune system.

A.Also the virus thrives (兴盛,繁荣) in wetness in the atmosphere.

B.Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

C.They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common colds.

D.Get enough sleep and you’ll certainly feel better.E.So why are we particularly vulnerable (脆弱的) this season?

F.Wash your hands regularly.

G.It’s winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere.
