问题 填空题

Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps. First, the problem must be identified correctly. Psychologists refer (1) this step as problem representation. For many problems, figuring (2) which information is relevant and (3) is extraneous can be difficult and can interfere (4) arriving at a good solution. Clearly, before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious (5) the problem is, however, this is not as easy (6) it might seem. One obstacle to efficient problem representation is functional fixedness, that is, allowing preconceived notions and even prejudices (7) color the facts. Most people tend (8) see objects and events in certain fixed ways, and by being inflexible in viewing the problem, they may be unable to notice the tools (9) the solution. Once the problem is identified accurately, (10) , the second step consists (11) considering the alternatives for a solution. A common way to evaluate alternatives is to write them (12) and then make a list (13) advantages and disadvantages for each solution. Here again, people may be limited by prior experiences. Often people adopt mental sets (14) lead them to the same problem-solving strategies that were successful for problems (15) the past. Although that can be helpful most (16) the time, sometimes a new situation requires a different strategy. (17) that case, the mental set must be abandoned, (18) new alternatives must be explored.
After the alternatives have been compared, a strategy must be selected (19) among them. One way to avoid becoming mired in the options is (20) try the best option with a view to abandoning it for another (21) the results are unfavorable. This attitude allows many people to move on expeditiously (22) the next step—action. The strategy selected must be implemented and tested. If it solves the problem, no further action is necessary, but if (23) , then the cycle begins again, starting (24) problem identification. By continuing to review the problem (25) repeat the problem-solving steps, the solution can be improved upon and refined.




[分析]: 词语搭配 tend to注意,趋向,倾向于;例:He tends to get angry when people oppose to his plan.别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。


(三) 某施工单位承接了一座公路隧道的土建及交通工程施工项目,该隧道为单洞双向行驶的两车道浅埋隧道,设计净高5m,净宽12m,总长1600m,穿越的岩层主要由页岩和砂岩组成,裂隙发育,设计采用新奥法施工、分部开挖和复合式衬砌。进场后,项目部与所有施工人员签订了安全生产责任书,在安全生产检查中发现一名电工无证上岗,一名装载机驾驶员证书过期,项目部对电工予以辞退,并要求装载机驾驶员必须经过培训并经考核合格后方可重新上岗。 隧道喷锚支护时,为保证喷射混凝土强度,按相关规范要求取样进行抗压强度试验。取样按每组三个试块,共抽取36组,试验时发现其中有2组试块抗压强度平均值为设计强度为90%、87%,其他各项指标符合要求。检查中还发现喷射混凝土局部有裂缝、脱落、露筋等情况。 隧道路面面层为厚度5cm、宽度9m的改性沥青AC-13,采用中型轮胎式摊铺机施工,该摊铺机施工生产率为80m3/台班,机械利用率为0.75,若每台摊铺机每天工作2台班,计划5天完成隧道路面沥青混凝土面层的摊铺。 路面施工完成后,项目部按要求进行了照明、供配电设施与交通标志、防撞设施、里程标、百米标的施工。 问题:

