1. 春天到了,该种树了。
Spring is coming. ____________________ plant trees.
2. 虽然交通堵塞会使我开车开得很慢,但我仍然希望拥有一辆自己的爱车。
Although traffic jams would stop me ____________________, I'd still like to have my own car.
3. 调查显示,一半以上的学生每周上网四个小时。
A survey shows that more than half of the school students ____________________ the Internet.
4. 西方国家的孩子通常在圣诞节前夕准备许多礼物。
Kids in the West usually ____________________ as many gifts as possible before Christmas.
5. 昨天晚上的骚扰电话使他非常生气,他一晚上根本无法入睡。
Crank calls made him ________________________________________ last night.