问题 单项选择题

Emotion is a feeling about or reaction to certain important events or thoughts. People enjoy feeling such pleasant emotions as love, happiness, and contentment. They often try to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, worry, and grief.
Individuals communicate most of their emotions by means of words, a variety of sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. For example, anger causes many people to frown, make a fist, and yell. People learn ways of showing some of their emotions from members of their society, though heredity (遗传)may determine some emotional behavior. Research has shown that different isolated peoples show emotions by means of similar facial expressions.
Charles Darwin, famous for the theory of natural selection, also studied emotion. Darwin said in 1872 that emotional behavior originally served both as an aid to survival and as a method of communicating intentions. According to the James-Lange theory of emotions developed in the 1880s, people feel emotions only if aware of their own internal physical reactions to events, such as increased heart rate or blood pressure. But this theory was not up-held: by research on cats that had their nervous system damaged. The cats could not feel their body’s internal changes, but they showed normal emotional behavior. John B. Watson, an American psychologist who helped found the school of psychology called behaviorism, observed that babies stimulated by certain events showed three basic emotions--fear, anger, and love. Watson’s view has been challenged frequently since he proposed it in 1919.
The most widely accepted view is that emotions occur as a complex sequence of events. The sequence begins when a person encounters an important event or thought. The person’s interpretation of the encounter determines the feeling that is likely to follow. For example, someone who encounters a bear in the woods would probably interpret the event as dangerous. The sense of danger would cause the individual to feel fear. Each feeling is followed by physical changes and desires to take action, which are responses to the event that started the sequence. Thus, a person who met a bear would probably run away.
Several American psychologists independently developed the theory that there are eight basic emotions. These emotions--which can exist at various levels of intensity--are anger, fear, joy, sadness, acceptance, disgust,
surprise, and interest or curiosity. They combine to form all other emotions, just as certain basic colors produce all others.

The James-Lange theory of emotions ______.

A. overlooked internal physical reactions
B. exaggerated the function of stimulating events
C. faced a challenge from counter evidence
D. offered a narrow interpretation of emotions



解析: 细节考查题。从题目中的The James-Lange theory我们可以把本题的出处定位到第三段。并且题目中的大写词组很容易定位。我们可以知道,他的理论并没有得到在猫身上做的实验的证明。所以选C。



材料一 中国对外贸易历史源远流长。公元前四五世纪,中国的丝绸已辗转来到古希腊城邦。张骞出使西域看到了转口来的中国产品:蜀布和邛竹杖。唐代的对外贸易以海上贸易为重点,海陆各国皆以进口中国丝绸产品为荣贵,制茶成为一门新兴的手工业,茶叶在边关互市中成了重要商品,奠定了以后茶叶大量出口的基础。南宋初年,外贸收入约占全国财政收入的百分之二十。宋代的出口商品中以丝绸绢帛为首位。东起日本,西至欧洲皆有宋代钱币和陶瓷的出土。制瓷技术也随着产品的出口传播到世界许多地方。明清时期曾实行“海禁”政策,严格限制商民出海贸易,由广州十三行为代表的行商垄断进出口贸易。统治者坚持朝贡贸易体系,力图造成“四海宾服,八方来仪”的宏大场面。


材料二 鸦片战争后,列强凭借夺得的特权,以通商口岸、租界为据点,以“协定关税”和领事裁判权为护符,加紧向中国进行经济侵略,使得清朝对外贸易发生了巨大变化。1843年至1895年,进口由18,400千两增加至171,697千两;出口也由25,460千两增加至143,293千两。进口以消费资料为主,占70℅至80℅以上;出口以农矿原料及手工业品为主,占80℅。在出口商品方面,虽仍以丝茶为主,但其所占比重不断下降,特别是茶的出口受到印度茶、锡兰茶和日本茶的竞争而大为减少。1863年,英国人赫德担任大清海关总税务司后,致力完成现代海关建制,提高关务行政效率,剔除传统上的各种陋规。随着列强的经济侵略,王韬等人提出与列强进行商战和“翼护”对外贸易商人的“利权”思想。《辛丑条约》签订后,清政府先后设立外务部和商部,并陆续派遣领事分驻各国,经办对外贸易有关事务。         



