问题 单项选择题

Since 1975 advocates of humane treatment of animals have broadened their goals to oppose the use of animals for fur, leather, wool, and food. They have mounted protests against all forms of hunting and the trapping of animals in the wild. And they have joined environmentalists in urging protection of natural habitats from commercial or residential development. The occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of "Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals" by Peter Singer, formerly a professor of philosophy at Oxford University in England. This book gave a new impetus to the animal rights movement. The post-1975 animal rights activists are far more vocal than their predecessors, and the organizations to which they belong are generally more radical. Many new organizations are formed. The tactics of the activists are designed to catch the attention of the public.

Since the mid-1980s there have been frequent news reports about animal right organizations picketing stores that sell furs, harassing hunters in the wild, or breaking into laboratories to free animals. Some of the extreme organizations advocate the use of assault, armed terrorism, and death threats to make their point. Aside from making isolated attacks on people who wear fur coats or trying to prevent hunters from killing animals, most of the organizations have directed their tactics at institutions.

The results of the protests and other tactics have been mixed. Companies are reducing reliance on animal testing. Medical research has been somewhat curtailed by legal restrictions and the reluctance of younger workers to use animals in research. New tests have been developed to replace the use of animals. Some well-known designers have stopped using fur. While the public tends to agree that animals should be treated humanely, most people are unlikely to give up eating meat or wearing goods made from leather and wool.

Giving up genuine fur has become less of a problem, since fibers used to make fake fur such as the Japanese invention Kane car on can look almost identical to real fur. Some of the pest opposition to the animal rights movement has come from hunters and their organizations. But animal rights activists have succeeded in marshaling public opinion to press for state restrictions on hunting in several parts of the nation.

1975 was an important year in the history of animal treatment because()

A. many people began to call for humane treatment of animals that year

B. a new book was published that broadened the animal rights movement

C. the environmentalists began to show interest in animal protection

D. the trapping of animals began to go wild all through the world




[考点] 事实细节

本题考查对原文细节的准确理解。文章第一段中点明,这一次次引人注目的行动的直接起因是1975年出版的《动物的解放:对待动物的新伦理观》一书(the occasion for these added emphases was the publication in 1975 of...)。此书的出版大大地推动了动物权利保护运动。因此选项B为正确答案。

[干扰项分析] 选项A,呼吁人道对待动物并不是从1975年开始的,而是从这一年开始那些倡导者们把他们的目的扩展了,因此错误。选项C,第一段第三句中提出人道对待动物的倡导者们与环境保护主义者一起强烈要求自然栖息地受到保护,不得用于商业或住宅开发,这里环境保护主义者们还是出于对环境保护问题的关注,并未提及他们开始对动物保护问题产生兴趣,因此错误。选项D,文中只是列举了动物权利保护组织为了达到目的采取了很多极端的方法,并没有提到捕杀动物这件事情变得严重与否,因此错误。
