问题 单项选择题

There are a number of formats for reporting research, such as articles to appear in journals, reports addressed to funding agencies, theses or dissertations as part of the requirements for university degrees, and papers to be presented at conferences. These formats differ from one another mostly in their purposes and the audiences whom they address. We will now briefly describe them.

The journal article is a way of reporting research for professional journals or edited collections. The research is reporting in a brief, yet informative way, focusing mostly on the main features of the research such as the purpose, review of the literature (often referred to as "background"), procedures used for carrying out the research accompanied by tables, charts, and graphs, and interpretations of the results (often referred to as discussion).

The content and emphasis of the journal article will vary according to the intended readers (research or practitioners) and it is important for the researcher to be aware of the background and interest of the readers of the journal. Articles intended to be read by practitioners will emphasize the practical implications and recommendations of the research, while articles intended to be read by researchers will describe in detail the method used to collect data, the construction of data collection procedures, and the techniques used for analyzing the data It is important for the novice researcher to be aware of the fact that articles submitted to journals go through a process of evaluation by experts who make a judgment and recommend whether they should be published or not.

The thesis or dissertation is a format for reporting research which graduate students write as part of fulfilling the requirements for an advanced academic degree. The student is expected to describe in great detail all the phases of the research so it can be examined and evaluated carefully by the reader. Thus the thesis or dissertation includes the purpose and significance of the study, the rationale, a thorough review of the literature, detailed information as to the research tools and the procedures involved in their development, a description of data analysis and the results, and an interpretation of the results in the form of conclusions, implications, and recommendation. This detailed description of the process of the research is needed to provide the professors with an indication of the student’s ability to carry out research.

The conference paper is a way of reporting research at conferences, seminars and colloquia. At such meetings research papers are usually presented orally. They are similar to the research article since research is reported in a concise, yet informative way, focusing on the most essential elements of the research. Handouts and transparencies can also accompany the presentations. As with the research article, here too, the content and emphasis of the oral report will depend to a large extent on the type of audience present at the meeting, and whether they are researchers or practitioners.

The best title for this passage could be()

A. Types of Research Reports

B. Types of Journal Articles

C. Writing of research Reports

D. Writing of Different Articles





问答题 案例分析题

音乐不仅是生命中流动的旋律,它还是游走在心海的精灵,音乐使一个民族的气质更独特,使人类的精神爆发出火花,更是一部鲜活的史诗。阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一贝多芬,德意志著名音乐家,一生中创作了大量音乐作品。他对当时的自由思想很是同情,在作品《爱格蒙特》、《菲岱里奥》及《第九交响曲》中都有表现,就这方面而言,贝多芬是第一位伟大的“主观”作曲家,并且他创作的唯一歌剧《菲岱里奥》被公认为是爱情与自由的象征。《英雄交响曲》创作前发生许多重大事件发生:1789年标志着封建制堡垒的巴士底监狱陷落;1799年,拿破仑执政,五年后称帝。这部作品热情讴歌了在“自由、平等、博爱”旗帜下实现的法国革命,标志者欧洲音乐历史中具有重要社会政治意义的题材第一次进入交响乐这个音乐体裁的领域。材料二《黄河大合唱》是冼星海最重要的和影响最大的一部代表作,创作于1939年3月。其第七部分是“保卫黄河”:(朗诵词)“但是,中 * * 的儿女啊,谁愿意像猪羊一般任人宰割?我们抱定必胜的决心,保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国!”(多声部合唱)“风在吼。马在叫。黄河在咆哮。黄河在咆哮。河西山冈万丈高。河东河北高粱熟了。万山丛中,抗日英雄真不少!青纱帐里,游击健儿逞英豪!端起了土枪洋枪,挥动着大刀长矛,保卫家乡!保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国!”这是一部反映中 * * 解放运动的音乐史诗。作品表现了在战争年代里,中国人民的苦难与顽强斗争,也表现了我们民族的伟大精神和不可战胜的力量。
